I was so happy to be sixteen, I was now allowed to go places by my self. Today it was Sunday and I had plans with Chelsea to go to the movies and out to eat. I sat in my room French braiding my hair. I was waiting for Chelsea to come pick me up when my mom knocked on my door.
"Yes?" I asked placing my hair brush on my vanity.
"Honey why don't you take Anya with you?"
I looked at my mom, my lips pulled back into a sneer. "No!" Was my response as I got up from my stool and stomped to my bed throwing on my jacket.
"Why not?" Mom demanded crossing her arms over her chest. I snatched up my purse.
"I don't want to be near her!" I snapped back, and walked to my door. My mom followed me, when she exited my room, I closed it, using my key to lock my door. I did not trust Anya, she would probably go into my room while I was gone.
Mom was going to say something but the door bell rang. I smiled, saved by the bell.
"That's Chelsea, sorry mom I got to go," I ran down the stairs and out the door before she could say anything.
"Hey Chelsea," I hugged her when I opened the door.
"I hope you don't mind Ayden, Jake, and Emily are coming with us," Chelsea pointed to the car parked in front of my house. It was a black range rover, I looked through the window, Ayden was driving! I let out a squeal and allowed Chelsea to drag me over to the car, she opened the back seat and she got in, I followed after her closing the door behind me.
"Hey Alex," Ayden smiled at me from the front seat. I felt my face get hot and warm, yes, I was blushing.
"Hi," I whispered giving him a small wave. I then said hello to Jake and Emily. I never told you about Emily, she was short only 5 feet. She had long red hair that fell down her back in tight curls, she had green eyes to match it, and very plump lips. I met her when I was in the sixth grade, she is really nice, and funny. But she was also adventurous.
"Alex, your sister is looking at us through the window, man she's such a freak," Emily said. I turned my head and sure enough Anya was at the window looking at us.
"Don't mind her, no one likes her anyway. Lets go!" I demanded, I took one last look at Anya. Then I turned my head and focused my attention back to my friends. I don't like how she was looking at us.
At the movies we spent five minutes discussing what movie we should watch. The girls wanted to see Beautiful creatures, and the guys wanted to see this movie about giant slayers.
"Why don't we just watch Warm bodies?" I suggested.
"Sure," Everyone agreed with me, Jake went and got our movie tickets, when he came back we went to the food line.
"What do you want?" Ayden asked me pulling out his wallet. I looked at him blushing once again, I couldn't help it.
"Umm I..I just want some sour patch kids," I stuttered. I'm so stupid, he probably thinks I'm retarded.
"Can I get a large sour patch kids, a large popcorn, a medium size coke, and a medium cherry flavored slushy," He requested.
"Yes please,"
I went to pull out my money from my pocket to pay for my candy but Ayden stopped me. "No my treat," he grinned at me handing the worker $20.
"That is a lot of food," I commented, waiting for everyone else to order their things.
"Its not all for me," He handed me the slushy, and my candy.
"You didn't have to," I protested.
"But I wanted to,"
When Jake, Emily, and Chelsea got their snacks we went to our movie room.
We sat in the back row, in this exact order, Jake, Emily, Chelsea, Me, and then Ayden. The lights in the movie began to dim as the movie started.
I ate my candy, staying really focused on the movie. Chelsea chatted with Emily, commenting on things that were going on in the movie.
I felt someone wrap their arms around me, I looked at Ayden. He used his free hand to grab some popcorn, he looked down at me as he placed the popcorn in his mouth.
"Want some?"
I shook my head no. I ended up moving closer to Ayden, my head resting on his shoulder.
"That movie was awesome!" Jake exclaimed as we walked out the theater. Ayden still had his arms around me, I snuggled closer to him when we got into the crisp cold air outside.
"Where to next?"
"I'm starving!" Ayden said pulling me to his car.
"We can go to Little Italian," Emily chirped in. We all piled into the car, Ayden drove to the restaurant. When we walked in, it was packed but we managed to get a table at the exact moment. I ended up ordering a simple Alfredo pasta dish.
Ayden asked for my number when we were leaving the restaurant and I happily gave it to him. When we pulled up to my house it was almost 10pm. I got out the car waving goodbye to everyone.
"Bye guys I had fun,"
"Call me!" Ayden said making everyone 'oooo' and Jake whistled. I stuck my tongue out at them and closed the door. I walked up to my front door, the lights were off in the living room and kitchen.
"Had fun?"
I jumped running to turn on the lights. "What is wrong with you?" I shouted at Anya placing a hand over my heart. She sat on a kitchen stool, dressed in her black night gown. Her hair was down shielding her face from my view. Anya didn't respond to my question, she slid from the stool and walked over to me. She stood in front of me, breathing heavily. I moved back, she was scaring me. She tilted her head to the side, like she did all those years ago when we were younger. She smiled at me then walked away leaving me standing there.
What is she up to?

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