In the morning, waking up I half expected to find something out of the ordinary. I didn't trust Anya living in the same house as my brother and I. I got dress in some simple attire and headed down stairs.
"Happy Birthday!!" My family shouted as I entered the kitchen. Mom had created a birthday breakfast for Anya and I. Fantastic!
I took my seat next to Anya, looking down at my plate. It looked pretty normal, eggs, bacon, the center of the table had fresh fruits, pancakes, and toppings. I watched my parents and Bryce eat from those food items, then I averted my gaze back to my dish. I looked over to Anya a smile stretching onto my face.
"Let's switch," I took my plate switching it with hers, she looked like she wanted to protest but refrained. I happily added some pancakes and fruits to my plate, taking a huge fork full of it.
"Anya why aren't you eating?" Mom wondered watching Anya only sip from her orange juice.
"No reason I was just going to eat pancakes and fruits." She grabbed a pancake, pouring syrup on it. She did all this in her hand. Her food never touched her plate.
"Do you like it?" Chelsea handed me a hand held mirror. I peered at my reflection, Chelsea had curled my hair for the sweet sixteen, she even did my makeup.
"Wow, its great thanks!" I hugged her, Chelsea headed over to my bed sitting down to strap on her heels.
"I want to see your dress!" She exclaimed. I rushed out my room, grabbing my dress, concealed in a black bag. I passed Anya's room, the door was opened. She was getting ready.
"Why are you dressed for a funeral?" I snickered, her cold eyes met mine.
"Get out," She ordered.
She stomped over to me, gave me a little shove and slammed the door shut.
"Well someone is on their period," I mumbled walking into the bathroom.
My dress was a long mermaid style dress. It was teal with beads all over the top which was a scoop neck short sleeve full of a sparkly lace material.
I walked out the bathroom back to my room, Chelsea gave me a thumbs up.
"Its perfect,"
"I know," I twirled around in my dress, my hair whipping behind me.
Downstairs mom took countless amounts of picture of us. It was really annoying I just wanted to get to the venue to party with all my friends.
"Happy Birthday Alex!" My friends yelled as I walked into the party, I smiled hugging a few people and waving at them. I got lots of compliments on my hair and dress, Anya not so much.
My friends and I danced to so many songs, raided the snack buffet, and hogged the photo booth. I was just having so much fun.
"Alex, your sister is so weird, she is just standing there looking at everyone with a glare on her face," One of my friends Lexi informed me. I followed where she pointed to see Anya standing there with a...frog in her hand? What in the world.
I walked over to her, folding my hand over my chest.
"You are ruining my party!" I growled.
"I'm not doing anything," She smirked petting the slimy creature.
************ (There is a switch to Anya's point of view)
"Can I have everyone's attention please?" I turned to see my parents on the stage.
"Well that went well," I groan as I walk up to the stage.
"As we all know, our little Anya is back for the first time in years! Come on up here, honey," my mom gushes.
"Jesus, take the wheel," I roll my eyes and sigh.
I walk up the steps to my dad's side, who greets me with a bear hug. I do my best fake smile and look at the crowd. My sister is taking pictures with her camera from last year's birthday. I'll have to find that camera later and destroy those pictures.
"You suck!" Bryce hollers in a deep voice from the back of the room.
Everyone turns around, but no one says anything. My mom gives him a cold glare to which he responds with a shrug. She goes back to her little speech which I don't listen to and finally gets to the end.
"Now we're going to open some presents!" she raves.
I pick the smallest box and tear into the paper. Inside is a shiny box and when I open it, there's a little silver chain with a deep purple stone on it. Not bad I guess. To avoid offending anyone, I put the necklace on and continue going through gifts. Mostly just clothes and money. I get to the gift from Alex, and my face drops. I can't imagine what could be in here. I hesitantly pull open the wrapping and find a medium sized cardbord box in it. I open the box and all I see is this big sheet of pink fabric. I lift it up and hold back a groan. It's a pink mini-dress with sequins and frills everywhere.
"Do you like it?" my mom asks.
"Yeah," I say through gritted teeth, "Love it."
Alex gives me a wicked smile and I turn to the pile. One gift left, from Bryce.
"Oh no," I sigh, tearing the package open. It's just a small envelope, but you never know with Bryce. Inside is a generic birthday card and a slip of paper. A trip to the salon. To get my nails done, and my hair dyed. With pink streaks. I want to die right there on the spot, but I stand up and act like I'm having the time of my life. My mom finally calls Alex up, who gets a round of applause. Bryce sticks his tongue out at me as I walk to my table and put the stuff down. I go back over to the stage to watch Alex get her presents. We go through literally a half-hour of constant gift unwrapping until she gets to mine, which she purposefully saved for last. She gets to the actual present and squeals, but not with delight. What I got her is a small, black mouse. Mom thought it was cute so she let me get it. Bryce and I are the only ones who know that Alex is afraid of mice. Dad takes the mouse away, but before he decides to send it back to the pet store, I ask if I can keep it. He reluctantly says yes, but 'no pranking your sister,' which I agree to. I have plenty of pranks up my sleeve that don't involve animals. We go home after the party comes to an end, a grand total of eight whole hours, and I walk up to my room. My mom calls me down and Alex is at the dining room table with the family.
"Try your new dress on," Alex says with the fakest happiness I've ever seen.
"Hold your new pet," I counter.
"How about no," she defends.
"Oh, come on sweetie, he's cute," my mom urges.
"Fine," she grumbles.
"You go put that dress on," Dad instructs.
I go up to my room to change. I slip on the dress as if I was getting into cold water, holding my breath and closing my eyes. How do girls even breathe in these kind of dresses? I walk downstairs feeling like a complete dork. Alex is holding the mouse as far away from her as she can, and I'm walking like a mummy.
"Aren't you two adorable?" My mom hugs us both.
Alex gives me a mean look, hands me the mouse, and heads upstairs. I pet the little mouse and then put it back in its box. Guess I'm going to have to invest in a cage. Bryce snickers at me.
"Enjoy your spa day."
I need to get him back good.

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