A Change of Plays (Teen Fiction)

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Jessie took a deep breath as she looked around the crowded airport. Beyond the sliding glass doors lay a parking lot dotted with palm trees, and beyond that was a glimpse at a sea of blue. She pulled her phone out of her pocket. Still gazing at the parking lot, she brought the phone to her ear. Rings chased after each other as she waited.

"Hey," a cheery voice said. "You land already?"

"Yeah. Safe and sound," Jessie said.

"Is your father there yet?" her aunt asked.

Jessie ran her gaze down the row of cars, looking for the familiar black Explorer.

"No, but I texted him when I got off the plane. It's a twenty minute drive from the house. He should be here soon."


Silence drifted between them and Jessie tightened her grip on her phone.

"Aunt Jackie..." Jessie started.

Her aunt let out a sigh on the other end.

"Jess, you know this is for the best. He's your father. The agreement was that you would stay with me only till the end of school. I let you stay the summer because you were still grieving, but it's time to be with family."

"You're my family."


The buzzer sounded and a luggage carousel started turning, spitting out suitcases. Jessie glanced over.

"Jess, I know it's going to be a bit of transition, but this is for the best," Jackie said.

Jessie nodded.

"Yeah. Of course," she said, her words clipped.

"You can still call me, but only a couple times a week. This is time for you and your father."

"Yeah. Okay. Bye."

Jessie was already lowering the phone by the time her aunt said goodbye. She spotted her suitcase tucked under a green duffel bag and moved to grab it. Before she had a chance to tug it free, a guy had already pulled it out. With an easy smile, he handed it to her.

"This your's?" he asked.

Jessie nodded and smiled. A smile that was both flirty and friendly. A smile that had taken her two years to master.

"Thanks," she said.


With one last look at the guy, Jessie turned to the doors and walked out. Hot, salty sea air wrapped around her and flooded her mind with hundreds of memories. She stepped to the edge of the curb and craned her neck, looking for her father's car.

A few minutes later it came into view, pulling up beside her. A tall, tanned man with lightly graying hair jumped out.

"Sport!" her father said, rushing up to her.

Jessie smiled, but the gesture was forced. Her father hugged her and she hesitated for a moment before hugging him back. He pulled away, his hands resting on her arms.

"Look at you," he said, smiling. "You look more beautiful and like your mother every time I see you. Except for the hair. You're stuck with my brown locks unfortunately."

Jessie gave a half hearted smile and her father dropped his hands.

"Let's get you loaded up and home."

He took her bags and put them in the back while Jessie climbed into the front seat. As they left the airport behind, the San Diego harbor came into view. Boats lined the docks, swaying gently.

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