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The sun was setting and spreading a red orange glow across the pale blue sky. Rayah sat cross legged on a bench at the edge of the U.P. Sunken Garden. She skimmed through her Freshman English textbook as joggers passed by in front of her.


Rayah looked up and saw Dante smiling at her.

"Hi, Dante."

"You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Oh, good. I thought you wanted to meet up 'cause something bad happened."

"What? You worry too much, you know that?"

"Yeah, yeah, I get that 'you're-so-paranoid' bit a lot. So what's up?"

Rayah dipped into her bag and took out the pills. "I just wanted to give these back."

"No, that's my gift to you."

"I don't want it anymore, had a bit of a rude awakening last night. I've decided this is not me."

"Oh, okay." He took the packet from her. "Are you sure?"

"Yes, one hundred percent sure."

"Alright, then." He pocketed the pills.

She raised an eyebrow. "Will you be taking those?"

"Nah, I rarely do this stuff, just for parties and special occasions. I'll just give these to whoever wants them."

"Where do you get those stuff anyway? Are you a dealer or something?"

"I just know a bunch of dealers, but I'm not one of them."

"Good." She slung her bag on her shoulder. "Thanks for coming, I just wanted to get those off my hands before I change my mind."

He held her arm. "Wait, there's a new indie flick playing at the Film Center and it's getting a lot of buzz. Wanna go see it?"

She thought for a moment and looked at her watch.

"Yeah, sure."

The students filed out of the Film Center a couple of hours later, among them Rayah and Dante, climbing down the building's front steps.

"Did you like it?" she asked.

"I thought it wasn't bad, pretty smart."

"Really? I thought it was too indulgent and too slow."

"Aren't all indie films like that? Besides, how would you know? You were asleep most of the time."

She looked appalled. "I was not."

"Yes, you were, don't deny because I saw you."

"You did?"


"Was I snoring?"

"Most of the time, yes."

"Oh, schmucks, that's so embarrassing, I'm so sorry."

"Don't worry about it. You weren't that loud, anyway."

He pointed to a food wagon nearby. "Come on, let's go get some hotdogs."

He led her to the truck and took out his wallet. "What're you having?"

She looked at the menu plastered on the wall. "I'll have the foot long with everything on it but the mustard."

Dante gave the vendor a five hundred peso bill. "Okay, so one of that and I'll have the jumbo please, with everything on it."

They sat on a nearby bench and ate their hotdogs.

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