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SAGE Agent First Class Vincent Reed used the biometric scanner and opened the door to the SAGE PH Satellite Office. He strolled in and saw Ken reading the newspaper with his feet on his desk.

"Is she here?" Vincent asked.

Ken pointed behind him with his thumb. "Armory, she's in a really bad mood."

Rayah had a big rectangular black bag in front of her, plopped on a table at the center of the armory, where the walls are lined up with racks of weapons of different makes and sizes. Beside the bag was a pile of guns, bullets and explosives which she inspected, loaded and tucked inside the bag one by one.

"Good morning, Barbie," Vincent said.

She didn't bother to look. "Hey, gramps."

"You sure you want to do this?"

"Yup, pretty sure."

"You don't want to run it by BC3?"

"Nope, this is my fight, it's personal."

He looked at the weapons. "But you're using company resources."

"All employees do it one time or another," she said, looking at the barrel of a shotgun. "This is just like using paper clips or bond paper-- just heavier."

He whistled. "You're packing some serious hardware there, kid. You even know how to use these stuff?"

She looked at him. "Do you know how to use these stuff?"

"Of course, I do."

"Then so do I. They gave me you Skill Set, remember?"

"Oh, right."

"Plus," she said, packing half a dozen grenades. "I'm younger, fitter and faster. I guess you could say I'm the new and improved Vincent Reed."

"But without the balls."

"Actually, double the balls."

He watched her stuff the rest of the guns in the bag.

"I'm sorry about your friend."

She bit her lip and held back her tears. "Yeah, me too, this Tonio Alvarado's really starting to get on my nerves. It's time for all of this to end."

"You sure you know where he is?"

"I got a tracker on his boys and right now, they're in Angeles City, so I bet he's there, too."

"What if he's not? What if they found the tracker and just threw it there?"

She shrugged. "Then I'll just go home and watch 'The Voice'."

"Alright, fair enough."

"Listen," she said, zipping up the bag and slinging it on her shoulder. "I'd really love to stay and chat, but I have a scumbag to kill, so if you'll excuse me...."

"You still got some room in your bag?"

"Little bit, why?"

"I got a cool weapon I think you can use."

"Great, where is it?"

"It's in my hotel room, let's go get it."

The Alvarado estate in Angeles City was smaller than the one in Metro Manila, but as solidly and elegantly built. It's brighter and cozier because of the bigger windows and numerous sun roofs.

Tonio was in the middle of his breakfast of fried rice, steak and eggs when one his assistants approached him.

"Sir, I'm afraid I have some bad news."

Wrath Of The Butterfly: Rayah Reyes Chronicles Book 1Where stories live. Discover now