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CNN Breaking News was on. A news correspondent reported from where an important event was happening.

"Tension rose today in Pasay City, Philippines, as local police raided Orient Pearl Pharmaceuticals, one of the country's biggest drug companies. We have special footage of what the authorities came for: hi-tech, full scale laboratories that manufactured the illegal and highly dangerous drug, BZB."

The reporter walked through one of the labs as cops went about their business of collecting evidence and taking pictures.

"Most of the company's upper management employees have already been detained and authorities have confirmed that they already have an arrest warrant for Orient Pearl's CEO Manuel G. Mando. Whether he's connected to alleged drug lord Francisco Alvarado is a matter that remains to be seen. Doris Hernandez, CNN, Pasay City."

Rayah watched the news from her hospital bed in SAGE HQ, draped in a hospital gown and eating fruit cocktail.

"We should've gone after Tonio when we had the chance," she said to Vincent, slouched on the sofa beside her. "Now he's disappeared into God knows where."

He looked irked. "Do you even remember the state you were in that time? You were very weak and hobbling like Quasimodo. You were lucky to get a shot at the old guy. The way the place was crawling with Alvarado's private army, we'd be Swiss cheese before we even get a whiff of Tonio."

She put her spoon down and groaned. "Yeah, I guess you're right. It's just so frustrating, you know, we're back to square one. Who knows when we'll get a chance to find him again, if at all."

"Well, that's life, Barbie. You kill some, you lose some."

The door opened and in came Georgia Winters and Benjamin Castle III.

"Good morning, Rayah," Dr. Winters said.

"Hi, Georgia."

"How are you feeling?"

"Good, I feel good."

"Your recovery has been a little faster than we expected. You've been badly wounded and bruised but no broken bones, thankfully, and we've already taken out the bullet lodged in your thigh. You saw the stitches? Does it still hurt?"

"Yeah, but just a bit, nothing I can't handle."

Castle came forward. "I'm here, Agent Reyes, to personally express my salutations to you for a job well done."

She beamed. "Thank you, sir."

"Though it wasn't really executed to perfection, I think it's safe to say it was a mission well accomplished."

"But could've been better though, right? You think we'd ever get another chance at Tonio?"

"I suppose not anytime soon, but who knows? Maybe we'll stumble upon some leads. Don't think, however, that the mission is any less successful just because he got away. You did more than enough, Agent Reyes, and I commend your efforts."

Castle shook Rayah's hand.

Now back in one of her trademark black dresses, Rayah knocked on the door of the Software Division Office and opened it. Jeeno saw her and stood up.

She raised her hand awkwardly and smiled. "Hi."

"Hey, come on in." He bent over and fished for something under his desk.

He went back up holding a bunch of flowers. "Here, welcome back."

"Wow, thanks," she said and smelled the petals. "They're beautiful."

Wrath Of The Butterfly: Rayah Reyes Chronicles Book 1Where stories live. Discover now