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Rayah woke up the next morning to warm weather and clear skies.

Dante wasn't in the room but she could hear kitchenware clanking downstairs.

She stood up and found a fist sized blotch of blood on the bed. She hurriedly took off the sheet and dunked it in the hamper, only to discover that the stain penetrated through to the mattress. She took one of the pillows, removed its cover and used it to cover the blemish.

She took one of his shirts from the closet and wore it over her panties. She went downstairs and sauntered to the kitchen.

Dante, wearing nothing but his snug boxer briefs, was right about done frying eggs when he heard her footsteps. He turned around and smiled.

"Good morning," he said.

"Good morning. Hey, I hope you don't mind, I borrowed one of your shirts."

"No problem." He placed an egg each on two plates. "Let's grab some breakfast, there's coffee in the pot."

She poured coffee in two cups and placed them neatly on the table. He put the pan back on the stove and got four slices of bread from the toaster. They sat beside each other and ate.

"How are you?" he asked. "Feeling any pain?"

"A little bit, but I'm okay, don't worry."

He put sugar on his coffee. "I had a wonderful time last night."

She leaned her forehead on his. "Me too."

He kissed the tip of her nose, making her giggle.

"So," she said, nibbling on her toast. "What are we gonna do today?"

"Let's remove the window boards and spruce the house up a bit, then we can visit Mama in the hospital and spend the afternoon with her. That okay with you?"

"Sure, sounds good. Are we going back to Manila tonight?"

"I was thinking about spending another night here. It's Saturday, anyway. We can go back tomorrow night. It's not everyday that I can have you all to myself, and I would like to make the most of it, if you don't mind."

She scratched his stubbles. "Well, seeing that I can also have you all to myself, then I don't really mind at all."

He smiled. She gave him a peck on the lips. Then gave him three more.

The sun was out, spreading its warmth that late Friday afternoon in Quezon City which was quite unusual for the rainy season. The amusement park was teeming with people, mostly with kids having fun with their parents. But there were also several clusters of teenagers hanging out and celebrating the weekend.

Rayah, Dante, Rage and Exo sat on a pink wooden bench near the Ferris wheel. Rayah and Dante sat beside each other, his arm wrapped around her shoulders. Rage was perched on Exo's lap. The four were sharing a laugh when Exo spotted Jinky walking to them. Her hand gripped the arm of a tall, dark and handsome young man.

"There she is," Exo said.

Rage's eyes bulged. "Look at that gorgeous hunk she has in her arm."

Jinky was all smiles when she reached the group. "Hi, guys, this is Otis. Otis, this is Dante, Rayah, Exo and Rage."

Dante gave Otis a fist bump. "Hey, man."

"Hi," Rayah said.

Exo extended his hand. "Good to meet you, bro."

Otis shook it. "Likewise, bro."

"Are you an actor?" Rage asked.

"No, why?"

Wrath Of The Butterfly: Rayah Reyes Chronicles Book 1Where stories live. Discover now