Day In The Life Of A Meerkat

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This imagine is dedicated to ShortyRaRa  

*Nature host voice* Welcome to another episode of Meerkat Manor. When we last left off, we saw the meerkat who goes by Prince, taking care of his mate after she gave birth to three new pups. What will happen in tonight's episode? Let's watch on.

Prince woke up one day in the early morning and looked over at his mate and his four sleeping pups who were born a few days ago. It was close to breakfast time so he popped out of his burrow and started on his journey to obtain food for his family. He walked as far as his tiny legs could carry him and came across a few bugs. He ate a few of them as a quick breakfast for himself and continued on his journey. He walked a few miles and found a few tiny eggs. He grabbed two of those and carried them back to his burrow to store them. He walked back outside and found a lizard which he killed and brought it back home to complete the meal.

When he got home, his mate and pups were now awake and his mate was eating one of the eggs that was brought home. Prince dined on half of the lizard and left the rest for his mate. Meerkats live a simple life. They are only out during the day and live underground. They are also very social and look out for one another. After breakfast Prince left his home to go hang out with his friends Jerome, Morris and Andre at Jerome's burrow which was next door. They decided to go out while it was still nice out to go and gather food for tonight's dinner. They gathered a few of their friends and left the safety of their home.

Morris was deemed the lookout and watched for predators as the others gathered food for their families and themselves. Andre and Jerome were in the middle of killing a snake when all of a sudden they heard a giant BWAK in the distance. It was Morris and when they turned around, they were met with a jackal. Morris, Prince, Andre and the rest of the crew ran for their lives as they tried to escape from the hungry jackal. They made it back home in one peace and brought enough food for everyone. After dinner was complete, the crew relaxed until it was time to go to sleep. As Prince fell asleep next to his mate, he couldn't help but feel lucky and blessed to have a family that loves and appreciates him.

*Nature host watches at porn on his phone* DAMN SHE IS REALLY RIDING THE SHIT OUT OF THAT DICK! *looks up from his phone and notices that the camera is on* Oh um *clears throat* I hope you guys enjoyed tonight's episode of Meerkat Manor. See you next time.

Sorry this one was short and random as fuck. I loved writing this one and I'm getting some really great ideas so keep leaving them on the requests chapter! XOXO, Kristan

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