Finding Prince Charming

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For LadyDJFAMily

~Prince Era~

In a far away land, there lived a prince named Christopher. He was the only son of King Melvin and Queen Sasha and tomorrow was his 21st birthday. To celebrate the occasion and hopefully find his future wife, his parents decided to throw a ball and invite the most beautiful girls that lived there. They wanted a sweet, innocent, virginal girl for their son and decided to tell their son the news at breakfast. When Christopher's parents told him their plans, he wanted to make a few demands.

"I want to pick my own wife and whoever I choose, I want you guys to support me. I just won't settle for any woman. I want her to be perfect and knows what she wants." He stated.

"Son why must you always be so difficult? You wanted to start playing guitar so we let you. You wanted to try to become a singer so we let you. Why won't you let us pick your wife?!" King Melvin asked.

"Melvin our son is grown up and can make his own choices. Let him pick his wife." Queen Sasha said putting her hand on her husband's shoulder.

"Fine. I will call the leader of the Purple Army and tell him to come meet you. I swear you are going to be the death of me son." Melvin sighed.

A few moments later, Andre, who's the leader of the Purple Army, met with Christopher so he could get his assignment.

"Andre I want you to gather up your guys and find the most gorgeous girls and invite them to the ball. My parents want me to find a wife tomorrow and I am picking her on my own terms." Christopher said.

"Whatever you say. Me and the guys will get right on it." Andre responded.

Andre and his men walked through town and passed out invitations to all of the townspeople for tomorrow's festivities. One of the people who got an invitation was a girl named (y/n). She was twenty one and she was the oldest of three kids. She had a sister named Lana who was 18 and a sister named Raquel who was 16. Their mom passed away 10 years ago and their dad never remarried. He did have a girlfriend though named Carmella that Lana and Raquel liked but (y/n) didn't. She was nasty towards (y/n) and treated her sisters like royalty.

(y/n) was cleaning one of the upstairs bathroom when she heard her sister Lana calling her from her bedroom.

"(y/n) come here for a second!" Lana called.

(y/n) dropped the sponge that she was using to clean the sink and made her way towards Lana's bedroom. She walked in and saw Lana and Raquel modeling the most gorgeous dresses.

"You two look so gorgeous! Prince Christopher is going to die when he sees you in those dresses." She smiled.

"Where's your dress (y/n)? Oh wait you don't have one!" Raquel giggled.

"Don't worry about me Raquel. I can and will impress Prince Christopher with one of my dresses." (y/n) snapped.

"Well good luck with that. You're gonna need it." Lana smiled.

(y/n) gave her sisters an evil look and turned around and left the room. She went back to cleaning and began thinking about the dress that she was going to wear and impress the prince.

The following evening everyone was getting ready for the ball. Food was being prepared and the finishing touches were being put up in the ballroom. Christopher was in his room finishing up getting ready and was excited about finding his future bride tonight. He was putting on his shoes when there was a knock on the door.

"COME IN!" He answered.

The door opened and in walked his mom holding a tiny box with a smile on her face.

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