Model Behavior

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For K_N_M222

~Rave Era~

I got invited to a dinner with friends tonight so I wanted to go to the mall and buy myself a new dress for the occasion. I walked through store after store without finding anything too spectacular. I decided to give the mall one more shot so I walked into Macy's and took a walk around the dresses section. I was looking at a few dresses when I felt someone tap me on the shoulder. When I turned around, I was met with a man who looked to be in his late 20s, about five foot eight and had dark hair and eyes.

"May I help you?" I asked.

"I'm so sorry to disturb you but my name is Mark and I'm a photographer. I'm currently working on a project for Prince and you are just the type of woman that I'm looking for. Interested?" He asked.

"Wait you're working for Prince? Not so sure I believe that. Besides I'm not a model. Good luck in your search though." I replied.

"No it's legit! I'm really working for Prince! Look just take my card and think it over. If you change your mind give me a call later on tonight." Mark said handing me his business card.

I took the card from the young man's hand and put it in my wallet. After introducing myself, we said goodbye to each other and parted ways. My friends are never going to believe this story.

A few hours later I was at my friend Riley's house and I was telling them the story of what happened earlier that day.

"So you are saying that this random guy just waltzed up to you and asked you if you wanted to take pictures with Prince?!" My friend Ava asked.

"Yeah girl. I'm thinking about doing it." I answered taking a bite out of garlic bread.

"You should though! You get to be in the presence of the sexiest man alive. Lucky bitch." Sam chuckled.

"You know what? I think I will. Could be fun." I shrugged polishing off my glass of wine.

After dinner I bid the girls goodbye and headed home. After taking off my coat and shoes, I grabbed Mark's card out of my wallet and went to the phone and gave him a call.

"Hello?" He answered.

"Hi Mark its (y/n) from earlier. I just wanted to call you and let you know that I thought about your offer and I decided to take it." I sighed.

"Awesome! I want you to be at Paisley at 9:00 sharp for hair and makeup and the shoot will begin at 11:00 am."

"OK just give me the directions and I will see you tomorrow."

After he gave me the directions we said our goodbyes and hung up. I took a quick shower and slipped on my pajamas. I set my alarm for 7:30 then went to bed.

The following day I woke up bright and early and began to get myself ready. I showered and slipped into some comfortable clothes and enjoyed a cup of coffee and a banana muffin before grabbing my purse and keys and made my way towards Paisley Park. I arrived at a quarter to nine and all of a sudden I was nervous. I was about to shoot with the man of my dreams and I was hoping that I wouldn't mess up. I stepped inside and was greeted by Mark in the foyer.

"Nice huh?" He asked.

"Yeah it's impressive. I can't believe I'm here!" I smiled.

"Well you are. Now let's get you camera ready." He grinned.

He led me to hair and makeup then left to get the set ready and made sure that everything was ready and up to Prince's standards. After my hair and makeup was done, I slipped on the dress and heels that I was told to wear for the shoot and an assistant came and got me.

When we got to the set, I stood behind the camera and watched as Mark took a few pictures of Prince who was looking very handsome. After the final shot, Mark turned around and faced me.

"You look gorgeous(y/n)! Allow me to introduce you to Prince. Prince this is the girl that I was telling you about." Mark introduced us.

"It's nice to meet you. I love your music." I said holding out my hand.

"Thank you beautiful. It's nice to meet you too." He smiled kissing my hand.

The photoshoot went super well. We started out with some normal poses then led into more sensual poses. I had my leg over Prince's leg as he was sitting down and when I felt his hand grab it, I felt a chill go down my spine. I haven't even know this man a whole day and he already had this effect on me.

With the final shot taken, I was turning to head back to wardrobe so I could get ready to head home when I felt someone grab my arm. It was Prince.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"I was about to take off this dress and head home." I replied.

"Well before you do that take a walk with me? I would love to get to know you better." He suggested.

"I would love that." I smiled.

We walked around and he asked me a million questions about myself. I told him my favorite color, my favorite food, where I grew up and what I was doing for a living. A few moments later, we ended up inside studio C where all of the magic happened.

"You know (y/n) there's something about you that I can't explain. It's as if you were sent to me from above." Prince said.

"You think so?" I asked.

"I know so." He smirked.

He walked towards me and put his hands on my waist. He pulled me in and began kissing me. I was caught off guard for a second but I melted into the kiss. He pushed me against the soundboard and slipped me out of my dress. He stood back for a moment and just admired me for a moment.

"You are a work of art you know that? Simply beautiful." He grinned.

I blushed at his words and walked towards him and helped him out of his clothes. His harden cock sprung free and I was turned on even more.

"Prince I want you so bad." I breathed.

"I will take care of you in just a second. Hold on." He said pressing a few buttons on the soundboard.

He led me inside the recording room and instructed me to lay down. I looked at him with a raised eyebrow and looked at me with a smirk.

"You're recording us?" I asked.

"Do you trust me?" He questioned me.

I nodded my head yes and he parted my legs. He slipped two fingers inside me and began to finger me slowly. It felt so good that I began to roll my hips to match his actions. He then pulled out his fingers and began to eat me out.

"Fuck this feels so good." I moaned.

"I'm just getting started love." He smiled.

He nibbled on my clit and slipped his fingers back inside me and fingered me faster. Right away I let my orgasm take over my body as I grabbed a hold of his hair and rolled my hips as he lapped up all of my juices. He then got up and stroked himself a few times before sliding into me.

"Ready mama?" He asked.

"Mhm. Please fuck me." I begged.

He started thrusting at a slow pace basically torturing me. I needed to cum again and this slow shit was not cutting it.

"Prince please go faster!" I whined.

"Say no more baby girl."

He started pounding into me as if it was the end of the world. My back started to feel hot and I'm pretty sure that I was going to get a rug burn. I felt my second orgasm rising up and I took one of my hands and began to rub my clit.

"That's it baby. Touch yourself and cum for me." He grunted.


I came for the second time and Prince followed me shortly after. We laid there for a second and tried to catch our breaths. We looked at each other and shared a laugh. I don't know what's going to happen between us but I felt like this was the start of something new.

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