Woah whoa whoa

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Chapter 4

Oh my gosh, i feel so weak and Arghhh...
What was in that syringe.

I reach for my pocket to find that my phone was not there.

"All the things that you had on you was taken away, you know... some security measures,"Mr muscle announced.

The hyperactive dude chuckled.

Are you kidding me!!!

I noticed that my knife was in a bag next to my feet.
Without any hesitation i try to grab it but as if the dude anticipated my movement he grabbed a hold on my wrists.

"Nooo you should not do that,"he said kind of in a childish manner.

"By any chance , are you retarded,"i asked nonchalantly.

The three others titter at my question.

The dude looked to be shocked for a moment then he tighten his grip.

Ahh it hurts.

Just when i was about to struggle a bit more, the car abruptly comes to an halt.

I almost fell but the dude's grip was so tight that it was as if he was my anchor.
I look up to find that we were in a forest like environment but soon someone put a piece of cloth on my eyes.

"Just in case you wanna try something,"i heard mr muscle from behind.

They led me out of the car and we walk but i was still a little bit weak so someone suddenly throws me over his shoulder.

"Remind me of killing you all when i get better,"i managed to say between my pantings.

"Oh don't worry about that,"teased the man carrying me.
This voice was for sure the one of the cold looking man, the ferrari's driver.

Soon the cloth was removed from my eyes and i was thrown on a bed in a huge bedroom.

"Arghhh be more gentle next time,"i complained.
"Get some rest,"said the announcer of the contest.

They left and i drift off to sleep.

I woke up feeling too hot.
I move a little bit and something happened.

A muscular arm tighten around my waist and brought me back to my previous position.
I got mad and struggle in my captor arms.

"Let go!!!"i demanded.
"No,"the unknown masculine voice simply said in a sleepy manner.

"I suggest you to do as i say if you don't wanna die tragically,"i warned.

"This is why i like you,"he muttered sleepily.

Then there was a knock and the door open.

"Hey Mike, is everything fine, you like our present,"said the announcer from before.

"NO nothing is fine,"i snapped.
"YOU YOU!!!, you are so dead,"i added glaring dagger at him.

"Everything is wonderful, make everyone leave the pack house for a while, i need some extra time with her,"the unknown guy whose name is Mike i think almost ordered.

The announcer nodded then smirked at me and left.

Are you f***ing serious right now.

I didn't stop in my track and kept struggling within his grip.

"Are you serious right now, this is called kidnapping, do you even know who i am, i don't think so cause if you did you wouldn't even have dared looking at me,"i stated furiously.

He let go, yawn and then place his folded arms behind his head.

I stood up and crossed my arms and glares at him.

"You look sexy when you are mad,"Mike teased.
"I know,"i replied still glaring.
"Then you are saying that you are doing this on purpose,"he asked.
"I didn't say anything about such thing,"i simply replied.

"So what are you doing like this,"he asked out of curiosity.

"Just wondering how i will kill you,"i said calmly.

"Ohhh then good luck,"he sincerity respond.
"It's my last name,"i said nonchalantly.

He chuckled and stood up.
Staring at my every movement he walk over to me.

I instinctively back away slowly.

Is it me or his... his eyes are glowing.

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