Mike Pov

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Chapter 11

Mike POV

I couldn't believe my ears,she did what.

That's what she try to do last time when we were at the pack's hospital.

I was mad right now and she knew it perfectly.

When my brothers are going to leave i will bring her to the pack's hospital again to make a vital check up.

How can she be so careless about her own health, she could have died.

I won't allow her to fight again.

If she really want to fight then i will personally grant her wish.
We'll see what happens then.

I am going to make her regret her wants.

I really need to keep a closer eye on her and asked her about everything that had happened in her past.

I was so pissed off that she proposed my brothers and i to go and relax while she makes dinner.

Grabbing a hold of her i kissed her roughly but still...

I reluctantly let her go and she went away.

So my brother and i decided to have a run in our wolf form to let the beasts out for a moment.

We went for a quick run and got home.

We went to my office and filled in some paper work regarding the pack.

Then we heard Vicky shouting that dinner was ready.

Within seconds we were sitting in front of the marvelous smell of the food displayed before our eyes.

Before we ate, i close the gap between Beka and i for a split second and told her that we were far from done yet and that we will have a little talk about this matter later on.

She let out a breath of exasperation and rolled her eyes.

We ate .... then full and as round as a basketball ball we went to the living room.

Suddenly Vick broke the silence.

"So i heard that you were quite 'busy' before the attack and our visit,"she said smirking.

With the most remarkable comeback not even ashamed or embarrassed she stood her ground and stated.

"Well yeah and i'd like to finish what we started so when are you leaving,"Beka resorted.

"Woo still have that sense of comeback, do we,"Dakota remarked.

"I've always admire that natural fearless attitude of yours,"She added.

This statement made me proud of my baby.

She is so special, feisty but still very special.

Thanks to the moon goddess i am more than pleased.

My love for her is unconditional i will die of depression if something bad is to happen to her.
I can't lose her.

She is my everything.

Don't get me wrong, i am not the kind of person to be poetic or romantic but she caused me to do and think about things that are out of my control.

"Lets play a game,"Dakota suggested.

"Dakota!!!,"Vicky scolded.

"We don't have Eva classes anymore,"Beka calmly pointed out this fact.

Wait what are Eva classes.

"Just for fun come on, never mind you are just afraid that you'll both lose to me,"Dakota claimed.

"Oh and how come i was always the first one,"Beka teased.

"And i the second in class,"Vicky stick her tongue out at Dakota.

"Argh just forget it,"Dakota snapped.

"Aw poor thing,"Vicky teased.

"Cut the crape,"Dakota resorted.

"I think that we should go rest from now it has been a pretty intense day,"Beka suggested.

"No wait how about we go to a night club,"Dakota requested.

"Dakota, we are thursday today, we'll go tomorrow night as we have nothing plan anymore because we were told not to fight,"Beka refused pointing out the last part looking at the boys.

"You promise,"Dakota pouted.

"Come on sweety lets go to sleep,"Vick take his mate hand and almost dragged her to a guest room.

"We will be going too,"Nike stated and did the same with his mate until they were out of sight.

I looked at Beka and she seems relieved for some reason.

"What is it love,"i asked concern.

"Nothing that matter,"she stated sincere.

Oh she is at it again.

"Everything that involves you matter,now tell me,"i comfort.

"I am tired lets go to sleep,"she ignores my question again.

So stubborn.

She stood up and look at me expectantly to do the same to go to the room.

I stood up as well but instead of walking next to each other to the master room, i grabbed a hold of her and threw her other my shoulder.

"Hey, what are you doing let me down,"she struggled into my tight grip.

We reached the bedroom and i threw her on the bed and climbed on top of her and proceeded to pin her to the bed.

Looking intensely into her beautiful eyes i demanded the answer to my question...

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