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Author's Note: Kelly and Mira are characters I made up. While not in a hospital, the setting is supposed to be hospital-like and, personally, I wouldn't want a lot of people around me when I'm lying in a hospital bed. I also didn't think friends would be appropriate here.

Musa opened her eyes and looked around. She would've sat up, but her head hurt. She wasn't in a hospital, but the room looked very much like a hospital's room. Even the bed resembled a hospital's one, though the blanket covering Musa was blue. Probably the only thing missing was that Musa wasn't wearing a hospital gown.

"Oh, you're awake," a voice said. Musa turned her head to see two women coming in. She didn't know them, but they seemed friendly. That didn't stop Musa from clutching the cover in fear, however.

"It's okay. We won't hurt you," the same woman said. "My name's Kelly and this is Mira. How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine," Musa mumbled, not knowing what else to say. "Where are my friends?"

"Your friends brought you here," Mira told her. "They left to let you sleep. Now that you're awake, we'll call them for you. Are you hungry?"

Musa nodded her head.

"Alright," Kelly said. She turned to Mira. "I can make her some food. Can you call Bloom and the others?"


But when the women got up to leave, Musa panicked. "Wait, do you both have to leave? I don't want to be alone!" she cried.

"Musa," Kelly said sweetly. "No one will hurt you here."

"Please stay!" Musa pleaded, her dark blue eyes growing big. "I don't want to be alone!"

"Kelly, I'll call her friends and make the food," Mira said. "You stay with her. She's scared."

Kelly smiled. "No problem."

Kelly sat back next to the bed and Mira left. Musa calmed down and, despite her headache, sat up. She may not have had the slightest idea where she was, but somehow, this place made her feel safe.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Kelly asked Musa.

"I don't remember much," Musa admitted. "I remember how I got myself into it, but-"

Kelly cut her off. "I'm sorry for interrupting you, but please do not say that. You did not get yourself into anything. Don't ever say that, okay?"

Musa gave a small smile. "Well, I'll tell you what I remember. Actually, can I start from the very beginning?"

"Of course," Kelly told her. "I'm listening."

"Well, first, there is this guy I was dating. His name's Riven and..."

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