The Assault

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I left about ten in the morning to go see Easton. He was expecting me, so it wouldn't be a surprise visit. I guess I really didn't want to believe Easton could be lying to me this whole time.

I arrived just as his brother was heading out. "Hey, is Easton waiting for me?" I asked.

"Yeah. He's in the living room. What's going on between you two? Easton's been agitated for days and he said it's with you. I'm not blaming you. I'm just wondering."

I didn't really want to tell Easton's brother what was going on. I didn't think it was necessary for him to know nor did I want Easton angry with me for something else on top of the current issue.

"We've just been fighting a bit," I answered.

"Well, I'm going to have a few people over when I come back in about four hours," he told me. "I'll need you two out of the house. Will you be done by then?"

"Oh, of course! No problem!" I promised him.

He held the door open and let me in. Just as he said, Easton was waiting for me right in the living room.

"Your brother's really nice."

"Yeah, it's a shame he won't date anyone," Easton said.

"He doesn't like dating?"

"He does, but he's single by choice for now. I don't know why. Anyway, come sit down. What do you want to talk about?"

I sat down next to Easton on the couch. He tried to put his arm around me, but I didn't really want his affection at the minute. I decided to be blunt.

"Easton, all I want to know is why me being unready to is a shot to your pride," I explained. "I said it's me and you said you understand, but I don't think you do. If you understand my reasons have nothing to do with you, then I don't see why you'd take offense."

"I just don't like being turned down for any reason," he told me.

"And you cannot wait a couple more months?"

"How long is a couple more months? I'm not that patient."

"I don't know," I answered honestly. "But haven't you ever been rejected? Not by your last girlfriend. I mean for anything."

"Nope," he said with a bit of arrogance. "Never."

"You've never been rejected from a sports team?" I asked him. "Or a job or even a date? What about your parents? Didn't they ever tell you no?"

"Nope," he answered, sounding even more arrogant now. "I always got what I wanted. If my parents said no, I found another way to get what I wanted."

"Then, let me change the question," I said. "Do you have any feelings for me at all? That's also a problem. If you cared about me, this wouldn't be a problem."

"I did care about you," he told me. I took notice that he said 'did', not 'do'. "But I started getting bored. I was waiting for you bring up sex, but you never did and I got tired of waiting. So I respected you in that aspect."

I was shocked beyond belief. "That is not respect!" I yelled. "Respect is being honest and open. If you were bored, you should've said so! That just tells me you only care about what I can give you."

"What else does a woman have to give a guy besides sex? Talking and walking gets boring, Musa. I would've mentioned it within the first week if I thought you would've gone for it."

And no sooner than he said that did my heart shatter. Flora was right. Easton didn't care about me. He was after sex and that was it. It took every bit of strength I had not to get teary-eyed in front of him or let my voice break.

"So that's what you think of me and all women?" I asked him. "We're only worth sex to you?"

"Like I said, what else is there?" he answered. "And I want to be with you."

"No! You want sex from me and that's all!" I stormed. "If that's how you feel, then I don't want to see you anymore. I am leaving!"

He grabbed my arm when I stood up. "No, you're not."

"Yes, I am! Let me go!"

"No, you're not. I told you I always get what I want." He was talking casually. Not with anger or anything. Just coolly.

"Yes, I am! I'm leaving! Now, let me-"

He slammed me into the wall and held me by my neck. I would've shot an attack to free myself, but he was pressed against me. I didn't have to transform to use a simple spell, but I had to be able to move.

"Look, you little prude!" he raged at me. "I told you I always get what I want and you're not leaving until I get it!"

I could barely breathe, but I was able to say something. "I said no, Easton! No means no!"

Easton threw me on the floor and put himself on top of me. Again, I could not move, so I couldn't use a spell to get free. Even if I could move, I had a splitting headache from being slammed, so I probably still couldn't use my powers.

I felt my pants being pulled off and struggled to get up, but Easton pinned me to the floor.

"What are you doing to me?!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I was scared out of my mind. No one was around to help and I couldn't defend myself because I was in so much pain.

"I'm going to get what I want from you and I don't care what you want!"

Easton raped me. My mind was racing as I tried to get him off me. All I was thinking was how did I end up in this situation. I don't think I've ever felt pain like that, ever. Between being terrified, in pain and unable to think straight, I couldn't free myself. He forced himself on me in every way possible.

The last thing I remember is having my head slammed a third time because I lost consciousness. When I came to, I heard what sounded like fighting and yelling. My vision was blurry and I kept slipping in and out of consciousness. For a few seconds, I saw my friends and Easton's brother. I did not see Easton. Before I fell out for the last time, I saw someone beginning to come towards me.

The next time I wake up, I'm here. And that's how I remember it.

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