A New Boy for Musa

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For the next few days, I felt depressed. I didn't feel like doing much of anything. I lost my appetite, so my friends took it upon themselves to make sure I ate. They spent a lot of extra time with me, especially Stella. Stella can't stand the idea of a girl not having her prince, but if any of us get hurt, she'll be the first one ready to kick the guy.

My sadness started to fade and I was able to think clearly again. I knew I couldn't mope forever and I had to move on. If not, I'd only be hurting myself. Since I hadn't gone out since the break-up, I asked my friends for some outing ideas. As usual, Stella was the first with her hand up. She suggested we have a night on the town. You know, movies, dancing, maybe a restaurant. And this once, no one brought their boyfriends. I told my friends they didn't have to avoid their boyfriends for me, but everyone was in agreement with Stella. No boys.

We arranged our outing for that Friday night. It was a blast! First, we saw this great movie called Emma Enchanted. It was about this poor girl who discovers she's a princess in another dimension and there wasn't even a hint of romance in it, but Stella was still crying because Emma got a happy ending. After the movie, we headed to this nightclub called Capricorn. Strange name for a club if you ask me, but we had fun, no less. Aisha was the best on the dance floor and I played DJ for a while. We did have a few drinks, but we didn't get drunk. We made it home and went straight to bed.

After that night, I felt so much better and back to my old self. Everything returned to normal for me and life was good. I didn't even think about Riven anymore.

Then, a few weeks down the road, I went out to my favorite music store to search for a new album. I met this guy named Easton. He was very handsome. He helped me find the album I was looking for and gave it to me half-price because "I was so cute". I knew better than to fall for that, but he seemed so nice and I couldn't take my eyes off his handsome face. So, I gathered up my courage and invited him to come over and listen to the album with me the next day. He said yes and I swear hearts started floating around me.

I raced home and told my friends about Easton. They cheered and congratulated me. It wasn't a big deal. It wasn't even a real date. Oh, who am I kidding? I was over the moon!

The next day, I told my friends when Easton was coming over. He was coming in the evening. They promised to stay upstairs, but I bet Stella was doing a little peeping. Not because she's a busybody, but because she loves romance. Or maybe she just wanted to see me swooning.

Easton turned out to be a very cool guy. He knew every song on the album by heart, verbatim. We also listened to some albums he bought over and we talked for a while. A little about music and a little about other things. I didn't think it was possible for two people to talk so much, but we did for three hours. When it was time for Easton to leave, I was wishing he could stay just a little longer. I walked him to the door and we said good night. But before he went out the door, he gave me a quick kiss on my cheek.

After I lost sight of Easton walking away, I closed the door and squealed like a little girl. That's not like me. That's like Stella, but I couldn't help it. I couldn't wait to see him again. Stella offered to set up a more romantic occasion for us, but I said no. I'd do it myself.

Thinking back on it, I can't believe I was so lovestruck, but I was. Easton was on my mind. We got together every week after that. Sometimes, we just went to the park. Sometimes, just a stroll. We went to a few movies and restaurants. We even went to a concert together. I didn't forget my friends. Never! But I always looked forward to next week for Easton.

Before I knew it, Easton and I were officially in a relationship. He was my boyfriend and I was his girlfriend. Eventually, he met the specialists and they got along well. Riven didn't hang around Sky, Brandon, Helia, Timmy and Nabu when they came to see us. I didn't even bother to ask about him. I was over him and had Easton now.

My life felt perfect.

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