Surrounded by Friends Again

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Musa had finished her story and was now crying in Kelly's arms as the two nurses attempted to console her.

"We're sorry you endured that," Kelly told her. "He had no right to do that to you."

"But I should've listened to Flora," Musa sobbed. "That wouldn't have happened."

"That does not matter," Mira said. "It doesn't matter what you did or didn't do, Musa. Easton is the only one responsible for raping you and that's the bottom line."

Musa sat back on the bed and Kelly handed her a tissue to dry her eyes with. "There. It's okay to cry," she said. "Mira is right. Never blame yourself for that. You did nothing wrong."

A buzz rang. "That must be your friends," Mira told her. She unlocked the door with the intercom to let them in.

Bloom, Stella, Flora, Tecna and Aisha walked in. Musa immediately ran to hug them, never having been so happy to see her friends before.

"Musa, we were so worried about you!" Bloom cried. "We were scared you wouldn't wake up!"

"Please tell us you're okay!" Stella pleaded. "Please!"

"I'm fine," Musa assured them. "Kelly and Mira tended to me. They said you girls brought me here."

"The hospital is temporarily closed down," Aisha explained. "So we had to bring you here."

"I remember seeing you girls at the apartment when I kept slipping in and out," Musa told her friends. "I saw your backs, your wings. How did you know I was there?"

"Easton's brother saved you," Tecna explained. "Easton had already knocked you out, so you don't remember. His brother was supposed to be gone for four hours, right?"

"Yes, that's what he told me."

"He forgot something he needed and came back," Tecna said. "He heard you screaming before he got to the door, but by the time he did get to it, you stopped because you were unconscious. Easton was still having his way with you. He was sodomizing you when his brother caught him."

"His brother fought him to get off you," Aisha continued telling. "He called us and the police and kept his brother pinned until we all got there. If our backs were turned to you, we might've been talking to the police."

"But before I fell out for the last time, one of you was coming toward me," Musa said. "My vision was blurry, but I know it was one of you."

"That was either Flora or Stella you saw," Aisha told her. "They picked you up and wrapped you in a blanket. You weren't bleeding, but you were bruised. It was easier to carry you in a blanket."

"You're not bruised anymore because Mira and I took care of that with a few spells," Kelly informed her.

"And Easton's been arrested," Aisha added. "He won't hurt you or anyone again."

"What about his brother?" Musa asked.

"He said he had no idea his brother would do that," Flora answered. "Easton is spoiled and can be a childish bully, but his brother never thought he could bring himself to rape somebody."

"Well, I guess that helps a little. Can we go home, girls?" Musa asks, a bit pleadingly. "I just want to go home now. What time is it?"

"Four o'clock," Mira answered.

"It's that late?!"

"You arrived here at 2:30, you slept until 3:30 and telling your story took thirty minutes," Kelly explained.

"Longer than it seemed," Musa pondered. "Thanks for taking care of me, Kelly, Mira."

"You're welcome, dear," Kelly told her.

"It's what were supposed to do," Mira added. "And thanks for talking to us. That had to be hard, especially with people you don't know."

With exchanged goodbyes, the group left. Musa was still torn over what happened, but she felt a little better and now, she was surrounded by her friends, who she knew wouldn't leave her side.

"Oh. Flora?"

"Yes, Musa?"

"I have to say something to you."

"What is it?"

"You were right about-"

Flora put her finger over Musa's lips before she could finish. "Don't. Even. Say it. Not your fault, you don't owe me an apology, doesn't matter."

A big smile formed on Musa's face and she walked on with her friends.

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