The boy of mysteries

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Who are you

I'm James from Domino

Well James from Domino why are you here

Well I'm still trying to figure that one out

So let me get this straight you don't know why you just appeared in my place from Domino

Yeah that's basically it

And you expect me to believe you. I have no reason to for all I know you can be a spy for my brothers

Now listen kid...

Oh so I'm a kid now I have a name James use it and I bet your no older than I am and I think you're forgetting whose palace your in I don't care if you're from Domino my best friend is princess of Domino and I don't think she'll care if she loses one resident. So James you are going to listen to me and your going to listen to me closely you are not to leave this planet with asking me until you tell me why you're here. Do we have an understanding

Yes. Of course Frieda. Where will I stay.
Frieda there attacking again

Coming Violete. Stay here and don't move.
Does that girl actually think I'm gonna sit here and do absolutely nothing haha.
Magical powder!
Maximum powers!
Frieda fairy of rainbows

Ogron what are you doing here

I told you my deal do you have an answer yet


Well then that answers your question now doesn't it

Well that doesn't mean I'm going to allow you to do it. I am princess and on my watch no one gets hurt

Well then sister I think it's time I taught you a lesson

Not on my watch

Haha and who is this. Did you swoop your level that low and have a boy fight your fights for you. Oh this should be good

I thought I told you to stay inside

Well princess I don't live in this planet so I don't have to take orders from you

Ouch sis that sounded like it burnt so hard it left a mark

Oh please Ogron the only reason you want me to join you is because you don't think you can find the last fairy of earth without me

Why call me by my name when you can call me bro huh

Because I don't want to believe I have some one like you as my brother. Now leave rainbow valley.

No I think I'm perfectly good where I am in fact i still have to teach you a lesson. Fire punch

Rainbow swirl

Blazing lights

Water wind

Blinding Darkness

Rainbow shield

Electric kick

Rainbow dragon attack

That's the best you can do sis.

Fire arrow

Oh look the boy has joined the fight, pathetic. I'll be back Frieda you can count on it and I will continue to come back until I have an answer. Bye sis. By kid

I told you not to intervene

Well what did you want me to do stand there and watch

Listen here James you are walking on thin very thin ice. I'd be careful if I were you

Please if you knew anything about me you'd be on your knees begging for mercy

Listen James I don't care what you think of yourself in your fantasy world I don't care what you think about yourself in the real world. I don't care about you and I'm going to be counting the days until you leave

Well that could be for a while you said I can't leave rainbow valley until I tell you my full story but I'm not telling you my story until I hear yours and I doubt you are going to tell me your story

You know you are seriously getting on my nerves and I just meet you. Hold on I've got to take this call. Hello, oh hi Flora. Um you see I kinda need to be in rainbow valley for a while yeah I know I'm sorry listen I'll come tomorrow but if I've got to go back I've got to go back. Alright tell the Winx I said hi. Okay bye

You want to know my story right


It's really long I mean my childhood can take up one book and as I get older so far it's taking up three books

You're writing down your life

Your not

Okay I've got time. Muse me.

Well if I'm getting this right I come from an alternative universe where you don't exist and I do

Wonderful start

Do you want me to tell you or not

Okay okay I'm sorry. Continue

Of course there I'm Prince of Domino and I'm the brother to Bloom and Daphne.

So let me get this straight if you did exist in this world we would be cousins. Ew

Ugh and yet again why am I here

Oh trust me I asked that ever since you've arrived

Alright you were rude now you have to tell me the beginning of your story



Ugh. Fine. I was seven my mom Rose had just finished putting my baby sister to sleep when the one of the guards ran in and told her they have came. I was only seven my mom handed me my baby sister and asked me to send her away to a different planet so she will be safe. At first I refused not wanting to lose my sister but when I saw them kill my dad I knew it wasn't safe for her. I sent her through the portal and went back to my mom to ask her how I could help next. Then I saw Selina cast this spell which has been engraved into my mind Patisima after that she killed my mom. The war continued and with my sister Jenifine occupied rainbow valley fell into Selina's hands. Anyways it's late I'll go make sure your rooms ready

For the first time since he got there James sort of understood why this girl was like she was. He was brought here to help this girl. With what he was still trying to figure that out.

Well two updates in one week some of you guys really really wanted to have this updated earlier so here it is. And I hope you like the small background to Frieda we see I mean we knew most of it but there's some details that weren't there before so I hope you guys liked it. Now onwards to the Q and A

Q: can you update Winx club every week and have two updates every week?

A: I can try but the update for that week will always go up before and if I don't put up once or twice please do remember this is optional on my part so if I can't get a double update every week please don't kill me XD

I hope you guys have enjoyed this update if you did hit that star
Don't forget to comment down below what you thought I love hearing what you guys have to say
And I'll see you guys next time :)


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