Finding my way

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After a while the seven girls retreated from their game much to James pleasure.

That was fun Bloom said cheerfully, we'll have to do it again.

Please.. no.. my poor knees James said ready to just lie down take a nap.

The seven girls giggled at his tiredness. To be fair James, you totally deserved it, Frieda said with laughter.

James gave the girl a mean look, you'd get more than that if I actually had the energy to get up he said threateningly.

Frieda laughed at him, aw isn't Jamie just a cute little puppy.

Frieda, James growled. Wait... Jamie is that...

Stella's idea to call you that, she said James wasn't a very good girls name so she took the pleasure of giving you a nickname for whenever you're in your girl from, Frieda said cheerfully.

But I'm not in my girl form so why in the world are you calling me that, James asked throwing his hands up in annoyance.

Because you're really acting like a child and I thought it would be fun to see your reaction, yet suddenly the smile on Frieda's face disappeared as she clutched her head and screamed in pain.

Regardless of how tired he was James jumped off the couch to help the girl. Frieda, Frieda, are you okay.

Panting Frieda answered, roxy.... my brothers.... she's in trouble... I.. felt..her pain. And then the young fairy collapsed into James arms.

James looked worriedly at the girls, she's unconscious he told the winx, must've been too much for her, go check it out, I'll stay here with her.

Are you sure James I don't mind staying Flora said.

Yes, I'm sure. Now go Roxy needs you James said while cradling Frieda in his arms.

The winx nodded, transforming, they left the house.

Frieda, why is it always you? James asked the girl even though knowing in her current state she wouldn't be able too.

Trust me James I wish I knew, Frieda replied.

James was shocked the girl in his arms was unconscious yet he had just heard her voice.

Ha you really are daft James, I'm able to communicate with you through my mind so while my body collapsed my mind is still functioning. Frieda explained. Also I don't mean to pry or anything but you have the weirdest thoughts.

Frieda, James yelled through his mind.

Haha, just joking with you, the girl said.

Frieda, do you ever wonder why you're different, why just because you appeared in this story it changed, do you ever wonder what it would be like if you've never come, James asked the young girl.

I'm not sure James, but things happen for a reason, sometimes we understand the reason, sometimes we don't. But we have to accept anything that comes our way and make the best of it because if we don't, we'll get lost in this weird crazy life, and trust me I rather have bad things happen to me and know where I belong rather than being lost, alone and not knowing where I'm heading. I rather be found than lost. I rather know who I am than be alone and while it might seem at times that my life is horrible, I am so thankful it happened, because imagine what your world would be if it was just perfection, I would have never met you, the winx, but most importantly I would have never met myself, because when I was brought here it gave me a reason, a purpose, it helped me find who I really am, and I couldn't be happier. So yes life will always be hard and their will always be those dark moments, but as long as you could see the sun through the dark you will never be lost.

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