Types of Equestrians

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The Perfect Eq Equestrian:
  •Has amazing balance
   •Always has heels down
  •Perfect two-points
   •Eye position always great
  •Always places well in eq classes

The Expensive Equestrian:
•Wears all designer riding outfits
•Rides at an expensive barn
•Has expensive tack
•Has a very expensive, beautiful horse
•Pays a lot to go in as many classes as then can
•Has very expensive boots
•Only buys at stores like Dover, never equine consigns or store that sells cheap used riding things
•Has a very great expensive helmet

The Competitive Equestrian:
•Always wants to place very high at shows
•Must place well at banquets
•Has to ride a show winning horse
•Gets upset if they don't place well

The care free Equestrian:
•Doesn't matter if they don't pin, at least they had fun showing
•Doesn't mind where they buy their clothes
•Doesn't matter what brand tack they have
•Doesn't matter how good their horse performs

The Horse Crazy Equestrian:
•Does barn Work more than homework
•Comes to the barn, even tho they don't have a lesson, they just want to hang out with the horses
•Comes on rainy days to clean
•Knows and loves every horse in the barn
•Dreams of horses all day
•Has horse stuff every where in their house
•No matter how many times they fall, will always get back on

The Scared Equestrian:
•To scared to canter
•To scared to jump
•To scared to go near the back of a horse
•Scared the horse will step on them or bite them
•Scared to fall off
•Scared to be on a spooked horse
•Loves horses a lot, but gets scared easily {This happened to my friend. She has VERY bad anxiety, so she would always be scared to fall off or do something like canter or jump. She loves horses but sadly she had to stop riding :( }

The "Famous" Equestrian:
•Knows every one at the show series they do every year
•Knows every horse too
•Knows people from over 5+ barns
•Knows people at school who rides
•All of the people they met follow them on social media

The True Equestrian:
•Loves their horse with all their heart
•Doesn't matter if they loose, as long as they tried their best
•Doesn't show off or brag
•Doesn't judge how people ride
•Loves every horse

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