Chapter 8

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Today was my last day in Huntington Beach. It was two weeks ago that Matt had agreed to let me leave everything behind. Tomorrow I would be moving into my new flat in Sun Beach. I'd been to my viewing a few days ago and quickly put my name down the rent it.

I applied for the job at Sun Beach film studios, and they said they would consider me. They told me I had a good chance because of my experience and qualifications, so I hoped that I would be lucky enough to get it.

I really wanted to turn my life around, and now I had the chance to do it, if I could get this job, then everything could be so much easier. I would be able to easily pay for my flat, and then I could move out of Cali completely. I could see the world, just like I'd always wanted to. I was only 20, the world was mine to explore.

I spent the day packing up all of my belongings. Everything except all the photo's I had, all the diary's I'd written when I was younger, all the things that would remind me of my past. I planned on burning them, but although I wanted to erase myself from everyone's life completely, I just couldn't bring myself to act as if I didn't exist.

Perhaps it was because deep down, I didn't want to leave. My heart was in Huntington Beach. But my heart wanted lots of things, and most of those it couldn't have.

I decided instead to move all of the things I wasn't taking with me into the space under my floorboards nobody knew about. I used to hide my drugs in there when I was younger, and now I would hide my soul in there. Nobody knew about it, and you couldn't even see the cut around the carpet where it had been peeled up the reveal the hiding place.

It was perfect.

After packing all my things up, Mum and Dad had gone out to find something special to have for my last tea in Huntington Beach. Matt was coming over tonight for a family dinner, he'd had to leave his girlfriend so that he could come tonight. I heard she wasn't too happy about that.

She sounded like a bitch anyway, he'd been with her for 5 years now, but I hardly ever saw her, even when we were at school. She probably didn't want to see the weirdo problem little sister of her boyfriend. 

I refused to let myself get too caught up in Matt's love life. After tonight, he was no longer my brother. He was just a stranger to me. Just like everyone else I would be leaving behind in my hometown.

I was sat in the living room watching TV when my phone vibrated loudly in my pocket. I looked down at the phone, not expecting the name that came up on the screen.


I answered the phone, despite my whole body screaming at me not to. It would only make everything so much harder.

"What do you want, Brian?" I said, with much more venom that I meant to use.

"I wouldn't be calling if you weren't leaving tomorrow. I want to see you. One last time." he said. I considered it in my head, and weighed out the pro's and con's of a situation involving only me and Brian.

"No, Brian. I can't see you. It would only complicate things more." I said honestly.

"No it wouldn't, I just need to talk to you. I'm not gonna try anything with you. I know that's not what you want. I just want to talk." he said desperately. I shook my head, although I knew he couldn't see me.

"I won't see you. But if you really wanna talk, then talk. You have ten minutes." I said, internally cursing myself for even letting myself listen to his voice. I missed him. And I hated to admit that.

He took a deep breath. "Okay. I don't want you to go. It's as simple as that. I know Jimmy doesn't want you to either, neither does Matt. Even Zack and Johnny want you to stay. That's not my point though, they're not saying anything because they know what's good for you. And what's good for you is to leave."

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