Chapter 14

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"Take me back." I said. It took Ellie less than 5 seconds to turn around and race her way out of the car park. We were driving down the road at a speed I knew was over the speed limit, but didn't care enough to say anything.

I was more bothered about what I was going to say to Brian. I just didn't know. I wanted to just tell him how I felt, but it wasn't that easy. What if I really broke him this time and he wanted nothing to do with me? I tried not to think about that. I was going to get him back. He was mine.

We were speeding down the road now, Ellie had her determined face on. If I wasn't so nervous and scared, I probably would've laughed.

"Is my mascara all over my face?" I asked Sharon, fearing that my appearance was so bad that Brian would just laugh in my face.

"A little," Sharon admitted, rubbing under my eyes to try and rid what was probably making me look like a panda. "But I really don't think that matters. It's totally pissing it down right now, so as soon as you get out of this car, it's gonna be running again. And it doesn't matter anyway, if he really loves you, your appearance won't matter to him." she smiled. I smiled back, he loved me.

He loved me.

And I loved him.


We arrived back in Huntington much quicker than it had been the last time. Ellie parked closer to the venue they guy's had been playing in only an hour ago. I could see their tour bus from the car. I had my hand on the door handle, unable to open it.

"I'm scared." I admitted. Trying to breathe normally, but failing miserably.

"Don't be. Go tell him how you feel. NOW, GO GO GO!" Ellie shouted, with the crazy grin on her face that reminded me so much of Jimmy.

I gathered the strength to open the door and jumped out into the rainy night, slamming the door behind me. I looked ahead of me at the huge silver bus that I knew the man I love was inside. I walked slowly towards it, but it seemed I reached it far too soon.

I knocked hard on the door and stepped aside so that whoever answered it wouldn't see me. The rain had completely soaked me, as Sharon had said it would. I assumed I looked a total mess right now, but I couldn't bring myself to care.

I didn't have to wait long before the door opened slowly. I couldn't see who it was, and I doubted they could see me.

"Hello?" the voice said. It was Matt. I gulped and tried to breathe as I spoke.

"I need to see him." I said, not showing my face. I hoped Matt would understand. I also hoped he would realise it was me without having to show myself.

"Who? Where are you?" he said.

"I need to speak to Brian. Just get him out here." I said, begging silently that he would do as I asked. Just once, Matt. Do something I ask!

"Look, I don't know who you are, or where you are. But I'm not playing games. Brian's going through some shit and he doesn't need some stupid groupie trying to have sex with him right now. Come back some other time." he said, slamming the door behind him.

I almost cried at that. Almost. But I gathered my strength and knocked on the door, harder than before. Nobody answered this time. But I wasn't giving up. I knocked again, and again, and again. Until the door finally opened.

"Look, I'll phone the police if I have to!" Matt said.

"MATT JUST LET ME TALK TO HIM." I screamed at him. He looked down at me, realisation crossing his face when he noticed his little sister, stood in front of him, drenched and screaming.

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