Chapter 13

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"B-Brian?" I stuttered, turning around to look at the face I'd missed so much. His eyes stared straight into mine, as if he was looking into my soul.

"You're back?" he asked. I shook my head, knowing the meaning behind his words.

"I came because Sharon and Ellie are your biggest fans. It wasn't by choice. And I'm going back home now." I said, turning away from him, feeling the tears building in my eyes. I managed to look at Sharon and Ellie who's eyes were flickering between me and Brian in disbelief, as if they didn't know where to look, or what to believe.

"Wait, Ashley!" Brian shouted as I tried to walk away from him. I turned to look at him, taking in a huge gulp of air as I did so. I really didn't need this right now.

"Um.. why haven't you answered any of my calls? Or replied to my texts?" he asked, standing tall in front of me.

"Because I told you Brian, I don't want anything to do with any of you anymore. I changed my number months ago." I told him, trying to be strong and not to run straight into his arms and tell him to take me home.

"I never stopped trying. You know, we all thought you were just saying it, we didn't really think you'd cut us all off for good. We thought this was going to be temporary. A month maybe, but it's been nearly a year! I miss you, Ashley." he said, whispering the last part.

"You underestimate me, Brian. I told you my plans, and you all agreed." I replied, turning to look at Sharon and Ellie who seemed to have stopped staring at the both of us like complete idiots and instead looked like my friends, standing by me, supporting me even.

"You know, when Matt told your Mum what really happened, she didn't talk to him for a month. You totally broke her." he told me. That hurt. I didn't expect that. I'd caused pain even when I wasn't there.

"I didn't mean to do that. Are they talking now?" I asked, fearing that I may have broken my family with my selfish decisions.

"Yes. We helped your Mum to understand that this was your decision, and there was nothing we could do to stop you. Though we've all been hoping you'd come home, and now you have so-"

"No, I haven't. This isn't my home, Brian. Sun Beach is my home now." I said, cutting him off mid sentence. I noticed his face drop a little, but I wouldn't feel sympathy for him. I knew I wanted to go home with him, but I could never do that. I could never leave the amazing new life I had back in Sun Beach.

"I see.. would you at least keep in contact?" he said, getting slightly closer to me. I shook my head.

"That would just make it harder for everyone. You've managed 7 months without me, Brian. You don't need me." I said, hoping he wouldn't agree. Selfishly, I wanted him to need me. I needed him.

"I do need you, Ashley. I still love you." he said close to my ear, so Ellie and Sharon couldn't hear.

"Well sometimes it's just not enough." I said, stronger than I felt. I tried to turn around and walk away again before I really did break down, but Brian spoke again.

"Matt told me, you know." he said. I looked at him, confused. I had no idea what he was talking about Matt told him what?

"He told me what you said before you left. When he asked you if you loved me back. He told me what you said." he said quietly again. This time, I didn't care if Ellie or Sharon knew. If I talked too quietly I knew that I would break down and he would know how I really felt.

"I lied, Brian. I told you my rules. Don't you dare fall in love with me. I only said that to Matt to make him shut up. I told him not to tell you either, I guess he can't be trusted. We were fuck buddies, Brian. Nothing more, nothing less. It was strictly sex. If you want me to prove that, we can go back to your bus right now and I can walk away without a thought straight after." I said, making Ellie gasp behind be. I saw Sharon slap her hand over Ellie's mouth as she was about to speak, which I was thankful for.

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