Chapter 1: Departure

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"Blade! Blade!" She called, trying to find him. "Where are you?" The young Scyther crouched low, waiting. Watching... "Blade! Seriously, come out you scaredy-Skitty!" The Scyther grinned, and launched himself at her. "Here I am!" She screamed and fell back. "Blade, you jerk!" She said, still breathing heavily. "I told you not to do that!" Blade just started to laugh. "You should've seen your face, Flora!" He cried. " It was worth i-" Suddenly, his face was full of fear. "Flora, look out!" Flora looked behind her...

And she could only scream.

~Flashback end


The Scizor groaned as the sunlight hit him, the harsh glare cutting through his room.

 He groggily got up from his yellow bed and walked on the squishy floors to his window, shutting and locking it. He looked around.

'Sure am gonna miss this place'. He thought as he looked around his room, which was actually part of a Combee hive.

 Blade went to his trunk and gathered his belongings, which wasn't much: His locket and his blue scarf. He gathered up some food and put them in his bag made from weaved sticks and vines. Finally, he gathered up his most treasured belonging, his stone. 

His father had given it to him when he was only a few years old. He never explained what it did, but he did say it will help him someday.

"When your ready," he would say, "This stone will help you in anyway possible. You just have to trust your heart and embrace your feelings."

Blade sighed as he looked at it. Those memories still stung him like a Beedrill. Speaking of Beedrill...

"Hey, Blade!"

Blade turned at the voice and sighed. He knew that voice from a mile away.

"What do you want this time, Dagger?" Dagger was his best friend and the royal guard of the hive. He and Blade have known each other since he arrived at this place.

 Dagger scoffed and turned. "Well, obviously the hive wants to say goodbye." He explained. "You're leaving today, so the queen thought that she might hold a ceremony for your departure, and we all wanted to send you off happily, but it looks like you for-"

"I didn't forget." said Blade, interrupting. "I only asked because I was curious. Why do you have that on?" He pointed at Dagger's head, smirking.

Dagger looked up and blushed. He quickly took it off. "I-It's private, alright? The queen told me to wear it." Dagger didn't like wearing hats in front of others, especially the hat the queen gave him because... well, no one really knows why. Dagger and the queen are mates, after all. :)

They were silent for a few moments. Then, Dagger spoke up softly. "Look Blade, are you sure you want to do this? You're just leaving after all this time...I...We're all gonna miss you. You were like a brother to us. To me..."

Blade nodded. "I'll miss you too. I won't forget everything you did for me."

Dagger sighed. "Come on. Let's get you ready.


"My fellow children and sevants, may I have your attention please?" The buzzing noises of chatting Combees and Beedrills stopped. Not a single word was said, and not a single pair of eyes were looking away from the three bugs on stage.

"Thank you." said the queen. " Today, I call you because of a bitter reason." she gestured over too Blade. "As you all know, our beloved ally, Blade the Scizor, is sadly departing on a journey."

The crowd looked glumly at Blade. They all would miss him.

The queen continued. "Let us say our last words to him before his departure." She turned to him. "Blade, thank you. You have not only showed us how precious a hero can be, but you also helped us more than we can count. We are all at your debt. Please do not forget your family."

Blade nodded, than turned to the crowd.

"M-Mister Red Leg." Blade tilted his head at the tiny, squeaking voice. It was Nectar, the queens future successor. She was like a little sister to him, calling him Red Leg and playing jokes on him. Now she was tearing up.

M-Mister, I r-really..I-I can't... She broke down sobbing. Blade gently comforted her, hugging her softly like a pillow.

"It's OK. It's OK. Don't cry. I'll miss you too. Now, I want to see you all grown up when you come back. Don't be crying at all. And remember to listen to your mother, OK?" He smiled and let her go.

Nectar nodded, still sniffing, and slowly stepped of the stage. Blade looked at Dagger, whose face was blank and emotionless.


The Beedrill raised a stinger to silence him. "It's fine. I'm fine. Worry about yourself. We're both grown up now, Blade." He started to tear up. "You'd better take care of yourself, punk!"He cried. 'Cause if you don't, I'll- I'll track you down and kill you myself!" He couldn't hold back anymore and started crying.

Blade, who almost never even feels sad anymore, also started crying. They both hugged each other like two long lost brothers who found each other.

"You take care of yourself!" Blade cried. "Or I'll be the first one to impale your heart!" He released him and grinned, face still full of tears. Dagger did the same.

"Let us all cheer for the one and only Blade!" The queens voice roared. "May Arceus bless you and your path." The whole hive burst into a frenzy of shouts and name calling. Everyone was proud of him.

Blade took one last bow. "Thank you everyone. I promise, I will return someday. Until then...goodbye."

The crowd made room for him as Blade slowly started off the stage and out the door. He stopped and took one last look behind him. His family: Dagger, the queen, Nectar, and all his foster siblings were staring at him, some crying and sniffling, and others waving.

'My goal' he thought, 'is too find out who I really am, and where I really belong.' He touched his locket and his stone. Then, he started to walk out of the hive, leaving his home, memories, and his past behind.

The crowd stared until he was out of sight, than slowly started to separate.

Dagger just stood there, motionless. Then, he too went back to work.



Well, there you have it folks. The first chapter of my first ever fanfiction. There was so much hype writing this. I honestly didn't know if I was actually gonna write a book or what, but I decided to give it a try. It's gonna be a long journey, I can sense it. This epic story is gonna get even more tragic and it's gonna be brutal. I'm warning you, I make deaths a bit too...gorey. You have been warned. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Don't forget to follow and comment and do those other awesome things you people do. Stay cool. See ya! :D


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