Chapter 5: Memories Are Strange

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~Flashback much blood...

The Scyther's eyes were abnormally red, tired of crying so many tears, to the point where he couldn't possibly shed any more tears.

He kept running. He wanted to dissapear. He wanted to die.

He reached the cliff. Closing his eyes, he thought of his greatest moments.

Flora...his parents...all of them. And, he stepped off.

Only to be pulled back almost immediately.

The Scyther looked at his saviour from suicide. He was yellow, with black stripes and red eyes. Drills replaced his limbs.

"What are you doing?!" The Pokemon cried angrily. "You nearly killed yourself!"

"JUST LET ME DIE! I DON'T CARE ANYMORE!!!"  The Scyther yelled, his sorrow obvious.

The Pokemon calmed him down. He gave him a reassuring hug. The Scyther reluctantly returned it.

"What happened?" The Scyther explained everything, and the Pokemon nodded with grief.

"You don't have any other place to go. Why not stay with my family?" The Pokemon asked.

The Scyther looked at him. "What are they?"

"Combee. Combee and Beedrill. Like me."

The Scyther's eyes filled with tears. He nodded. M-my name is Blade." The Beedrill wiped his tears away.

"My Dagger."

~Flashback end


The sight of seeing Dagger had driven the Scizor to his knees. He had been crying so hard it wasn't even funny.

After fighting off the Ravagers and repairing the town, Blade and Dagger enjoyed their reunion. They were both in Blade's room, filling in the details of what happened since Blade departed.

"What are you doing here?" Blade asked. He was both surprised and happy. His face was scarred with salty tears.

Dagger sighed. "I told the hive I was going out to follow you. I AM the king of the hive, so naturally the queen and the children...they were all saddened. this from the queen...the night before I left." He blushed and showed him the love bite on his neck.

Despite he's shock, the Scizor couldn't stop laughing. The Beedrill glared at him. "Shut up..."

The Scizor did shut up, and sighed. "It''s good to see you again, brother." They hugged each other once more.

The door opened, and Hercules appeared. "We're ready. Are you done talking?"

They nodded and packed up their things. "Where are we going, exactly?" Dagger asked. 

"Paradise Gate." Was the Heracross's reply. "It's a kingdom ruled by the lone princess, Flower. We're hoping they assist us in this war. The Savage clan are strong, and we need all the help we can get."

The Beedrill nodded. "Let's get going then." As the two left, Blade remained. He was very confused, his mind trying to remember...

Why the name 'Flower' sounded so familiar.


It was past midnight. The seven were walking down the road. Hercules led the way, whilst Blade, Dagger, Jets, Ruby, and Angel followed. Scorch was already ahead at the destination.

Blade and Dagger were still talking. Hercules took note of this when they finished.

The Heracross moved back to talk to Blade. "You two seem to be really good friends."

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