Chapter 9: It's Called War

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Blade dropped the dead Ravager. He made a perfect hole in it's head, using his pincers.

The Mystic Empire was attacking the Gate, lead by Ultra. They were savage enough to attack the great Paradise? Blade wondered if they would ever come to an end.

Luckily, reinforcements had arrived. Blade's old family, the Hive, had arrived. Dagger and the Queen were commanding the army.

"Blade!" Dagger called. "Go to the right side! We'll take care of here!" Blade nodded and rushed to the right of the kingdom, along with Hercules and Flora.

The right side of the kingdom was completely infested. Ravagers and Mystic warriors kept attacking the walls.

"What now?" Flora yelled, obviously shocked to see the sight. "There are so many of them!"

"We have no choice but to attack!" Hercules replied. "I'll take care of that brute!" He pointed to a Ravager Pangoro, then to a Ravager Lycanroc. "You two take care of him!"

They all dashed at them. Flora charged uo her solar Blade while Blade clashed at the Lycanroc in close combat.

"Ready?" Blade asked, struggling to escape the jaws of the mindless beast. "Ready!" Flora shouted, glowing green with power.

Blade let go and jumped to the side. The Lycanroc pounced, just as the blade went right through it. "ZING! SPLAT!" Instantly, it was cut right in two.

Flora helped Blade on his feet as the others rushed over from the left, then they all defeated the remaining enemies on the right. But it wasn't over yet...

"Did you really think it would be over already?" A sudden voice filled the dark. Hercules growled as Blade and Flora got into their battle stances.

Ultra, the Lucario, appeared from the trees.

"It's not just me." He said, his scarred eye redder than usual. "This time, it's some of my friends."

Suddenly, a maniacal laugh occurred through the darkness. The sky flashed purple, and then a Pokemon appeared beside Ultra.

A Gengar.

"This is Enigma."Ultra said. "He's the one who proudly invented the Ravager potions. I can't thank him enough for coming here with me. And now, it's time for you to see what he can do!"

With that, Ultra dissapeared as Enigma laughed maniacally. "So, which one of you first?" He said in a crazy, high pitched voice. Angel hissed and lept at him.

He pretended to be terrified. "Ah! A Dark type! I'm too scared!" He grinned wider and unleashed a Shadow Ball faster than Angel could say...


At the sight of this, everyone charged. Surprisingly, Enigma wasn't expecting this, and fell backwards as everyone started to beat him up. He laughed as they used their moves on him, tearing him into pieces.

When they thought that was it, a sudden blast of strong air appeared from their backs. Then another one of Enigma's laughs. They turned and saw three Pokemon.

Enigma, Ultra, and...a Pidgeot?

"Meet Whirlwind." Ultra gestured to the bird. "She's the leader of the Air Force. Don't mess with her, or you'll be sorry!" Ruby, with her usual cheery self, giggled and launched a Thunderbolt.

Whirlwind gave a cry, then used Hurricane, launching the Thunderbolt and the Ampharos high into the sky. Ruby was STILL giggling, for some reason.

Suddenly, a wave of psychic energy dropped on the group. They shielded themselves as a Medicham revealed itself.

"Ah, Mental. It's been a while." Ultra said. The Medicham shrugged. "Always training, eh Ultra?" They laughed, much to Scorch's anger, who unleashed a barrage of kicks.

"Ooh, someone needs to calm down!" Mental said, dodging the kicks like they were nothing. At that moment, a roar occured from the trees. A Tyranitar.

"Wreck, you-" Wreck didn't let him finish, as he launched a Hyper Beam at Jets, who countered it with his own. As if one cue, yet ANOTHER Pokemon appeared. A Ninjask.

"Nirvana!" Ultra exclaimed. "The ninja of our tales. Can you spot her?" In the blink of an eye, Nirvana slashed at Dagger, who stumbled back.

"And last, but definitely not least." Ultra said, bowing. The other enemies (except Wreck, who was too busy fighting Jets) did too. "The lord himself! May you live forever!"

The ground shook. Everyone held onto each other as it opened up. A plume of black fog erupted from it.

"Heh. Hello, Hercules."

Upon hearing that voice, Hercules charged with rage. Whoever was in that fog wasn't weak, as he launched Hercules right back.

The fog blew away. The figure was clearly visible. He was the king of the Mystic Empire, and the most savage of them all.

A Pinsir.

"All hail Lord Chronos!" Ultra shouted as their lord evilly smiled at his enemies. The Pinsir chuckled darkly.

"Well then, come on Hercules. Give it your best shot." Hercules gritted his teeth so much, it hurt. The hate in his eyes was real. The power in his body was intense.

"MEGAHORN!" He screamed as he ran into Chronos, his horn four times the size. Chronos just caught the horn with his own, and they both fought face to face, their entire body filled with outrage.

The others didn't hesitate. They fought each other as well. The whole outskirts of the Gate was a giant battlefield, with an extreme war going on.

On and on they fought, not holding back one bit. Blade, who was struggling against a very fast Ultra, cursed as he was hit with a Bone Rush to his face.

"You think we're going to stop? You think we're going to just walk away and leave you alone? Never!" Ultra cried as he punched Blase in the abdomen, who was launched backwards.

One by one, the heroes were losing. Bladez then Dagger, followed by Flora. The Mystics were gaining dominance.

Eventually, all of the heroes, including the entire Hive army, were defeated. They lay on the ground, some in pain and others knocked out.

Then, Chronos shouted, "Come on, you lot! Let's end this!" They all roared and charged at Blade first.

"No!"Flora cried, trying to reach him, but she was too weak, and collapsed. 

Blade was on his knees. He looked up at the approaching enemies. He closed his eyes.

'Well...this is it. I have so many regrets. I couldn't find the secret about my family, or who killed them. least...I found her. Goodbye everyone. Goodbye...Flora.'

At the mention of her name, the stone on Blade's throat glowed brightly. He gasped as it started to make his entire body glow. The charging army paused.

Everyone was surprised. What's happening?" Ultra said. Chronos remained his ground, a scowl on his face. "He's ready." Everyone looked at him.

"My lord, is this...?" Whirlwind didn't finish. Chronos took a deep breath, and nodded. "Indeed." He said, the scowl not lifting. "This..."

Is Mega Evolution.



Boooooooooring! This chapter was boooooooooring! Nothing interesting really happened apart from meeting the new enemies, and the end. Also, I'm SO sorry for the delay! D: I've been debating on whether to continue this book or not, since it's not that exciting, but it IS my first fanfic, so I decided to go with it for now. Anyways, Blade is Mega Evolving! Hoorah! What'll happen now? And will the heroes prevail? Find out on the next chapter! See ya! ^D


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