* 🧡❣️ Nigella Cora ❣️🧡 *

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Nigella Cora

Pure Blood Female Shifter

Nigella held her comments to herself as she walked into the pack house. The sights and scents were first not to her liking. Being asked to come meet the new Alpha was bad enough, but from the smells just walking in, she could tell many things about the current people living here.

The semi-retired Alpha Branigan at last stopped to sniff out what she did; that someone had just had sex in the front living room, a place guests were to meet the residents. He grunted and said excuse the disgusting odors Nigella, that had never happened before.

Nigella took his arm as Alpha Branigan was very upset. She said times are changing, people taking liberties where they wouldn't dare before. Maybe it's their lack of intelligence, or the uncaring attitudes the majority of the younger people today give off.

He grunted and said but still, this is a pack house. She pointed out the clothes and said guess they couldn't wait. He stopped and picked a few up and then sniffed before dropping them and saying uncaring.

He sighed and said my mate would never have allowed such things to occur. Nigella said maybe when we see her you can tell her such things are occurring and it will speed her recovery. She can kick ass again, hey Alpha?

He chuckled and said you could be right Nigella. They walked up the stairs and stopped as they heard sounds and they made him growl as they were coming from his office. Nigella heard them too, another mark against the new Alpha, Alpha Branigan's son Bart.

They walked to the office and Alpha Branigan pushed open the door seeing as it wasn't even fully shut. Inside, over the desk, Bart was too busy giving a female what she was screaming out for.

Nigella snorted as Alpha Branigan grunted and said seems someone is very vocal. Unaffected Nigella said all an act maybe, I do scent that she isn't on any kind of birth control, how about you Alpha Branigan?

He snorted and said every pack female is given birth control these days. Even if that is true and she's not protected she can't get pregnant by him because she isn't strong enough to get pregnant with an Alpha's baby.

Nigella said I agree, that bitch doesn't give off an aura of any power. You should probably just get her fixed, any child she would have may not even be able to shift. He chuckled and said yeah happens these days when werewolves mate with humans, the children have a least likely chance of shifting.

Nigella said maybe that's it, she's so weak she can't shift. He grunted and said I agree, before he mind linked the doctor to bring up a shot of birth control for the weak hybrid screwing his son in his office.

She said pity they are ruining that beautiful desk. I will definitely never look at it the same, it was so beautiful at one time. He grunted and said yes, I think I'll take possession of it and exchange it for the one in my office. They can ruin that one instead.

Bart stiffened and stopped screwing Stacy at hearing the voices, cluing in they weren't alone. Stacy screamed a few more words before shutting up. Alpha Branigan huffed and said guess they now know they have company.

Nigella said kind of killed the moment, but you would think leaving their clothes scattered on the way up here that people would notice and follow in disgust. Alpha Branigan said and with the door still open that they would be found easily and seen too.

She said no imagination, guess these two are exhibitionists too? Alpha Branigan said sad really as we are expecting the Council representatives any minute and Bart knows that.

She sighed and said that means they will smell and see what's been going on. Looks bad Alpha Branigan, the Council from what I remember of them, are all stuffed shirts with their noses stuck up in the air sniffing out any indiscretions.

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