They're Catching On, And so is Deku

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Izuku had had a pretty interesing weekend from what he reminesed. Saturday he had helped SweetOni made nearly 1,000,000 yen that day alone. And just yesterday he helped them make nearly another 1,000,000 yen due to him acidentally spilling a drink on his shirt and took it off. To much of the girls pleasure and his dismay, Ram offered then that if they bought 5000 yen worth of cake, tea, sweets, food then they could get a picture with him shirtless. Thank god that they were mixed up in a fight to actually buy anything that much. Though they did drop their money on the floor and left to fight outside. 

Dispite Izuku's busy weekend it was pretty good. He and Bakugo were walking along the street to their school. Meanwhile the rest of class 1-A were inside trying to think about what happened last week with Izuku going hardcore on the villains. They thought around as his fight with the villains were still fresh in their minds. How he toyed with Nomu. Of how he put a villain he previously fought before with one punch. How slapping the villains made them loose a lot of blood in the water zone. "Auugh! I give up!" Mineta said as he couldn't figure out hoe Midoriya was so strong. 

"Yeah I'm drawing a blank here. I mean, all we know is that he's not using his quirk for whatever reason." Kirishima asked as he leaned back on his chair. "Though I agree that it seems Midoriya is still a mystery. He should have not destroyed school property so recklessly." Iida said as he kept making weird gestures with his hand. "Hey wait, he said he had a job interview! Maybe if we follow him to his job then we can get to know him a bit more!" Uraraka suggested as the students thought of it. "That's actually not bad, but it would be obvious if we all go together though." Tokoyami said as he was sitting on the edge of his desk.

"Then how about three of us go and follow Deku! That way we can split up in case he gets too suspicious with him and Bakugo." Uraraka said as she pumped her fist, all hyped for what she dubbed 'Follow the Deku'. "All right, say we do this. Who's gonna follow him?" Momo asked as she rested her hands on her hips. Shouji raised his hand to gain everyone's suggestion. "I can go since I could use my quirk to listen in on some of his conversations from far distance." Another student rose her arm as her quirk made her invisible. This was Tooru Hagakure. "Um...I can help too! I'm invisible so I can be hear by him at any time and he won't notice."

The class looked between Hagakure and Shouji as the thought this was a good team. "You two make valid points, but we may need one more. Two just in case something goes wrong." Mina said as she looked at her fellow classmates to see who would be perfect. Jirou sighed as most of them refused to help. "Fine I'll do it. Got nothing better to do so might as well." Mina clasped her hands as she finally got someone. "Awesome, now all we need is Och-" 

"I'll go too!" Mineta inturupted as everyone looked down at him. "If the ideal is stealth and spying for this team, then I can fit in small places and be near by him. Plus if the other's need someone as a distraction then I'll cause it while they do their stuff." Mineta said with determined eyes as he gave them a reassuring thumbs up. "I see, then you four will find out of Midoriya's whereabouts and actions after school. As class president I dub thee 'Team Ninja'! Do your best!" Iida said as most of the students cheered but Mina, Tsuyu, and Ochako looked at him and questioned. 

"Why 'Ninja'?" Iida explained since that Mineta's costume covers his face and body in a dark color. Hagakure blends into her suroundings. Jirou is calm and listens to the winds voice if focusing on her quirk. And Shouji wears a face mask like a ninja, it makes sense to call them 'Team Ninja.' Meanwhile with the 'Ninjas' they had their opinions on the name but no one listened as they said or thought of it. "Nin! Nin!" Hagakure laughed as she put her hands together and tried to do a ninja skill. "Listen to the wind? But wind has no sound." Jirou muttered as she looked at Hagakure and did it herself. "Nin Nin!" "Hm, wonder if I can become like that one ninja with white hair from 'Naruto'?" Shouji said as he thought how he could pull off a 'Kakashi'.  

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