No More Lies

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The bathroom was my sanctuary for the rest of the night after that. I didn't go back to sleep, instead choosing to fight it and stay awake if only so I could look at my damaged self.

Clay came in at six-thirty in his boxers. He jumped and clutched his heart. "Good God, Joc! You couldn't have left the light on or something? Shoot." He looked me over, taking in my blank expression as I stared at my arms. He crouched and rested a hand on my shoulder. "Hey, don't worry about it, okay? It doesn't look that bad. Honestly. I told you, it's totally badass." He grinned at swearing again, like he had successfully robbed a bank.

"Why are you so sure?" I croaked out.

I think it was then he realized the problem had more to do with than my arms. Even though Clayton and I were three years apart, we were like twins, bonded as only a few knew. Whenever something happened, Clay knew. Same as if something happened to him. I looked up at him then, meeting his hesitant glance.

"Is... Does this have to do with Cole also, Jocie?"

I nodded slightly as another tear slipped down my cheek. Stupid emotions. Why did they always have to give away my true feelings?

His arms wrapped around my shoulders then and he buried his face in my neck. "Jocelynn, I'm so sorry. I know how much he meant to you. And I thought for sure he had to like you back with the way he saved you from the fire."

"Maybe he's just a really nice guy but not looking for a relationship."

Clayton shook his head adamantly. "Uh-uh. I saw the way he looked at you, Jocie. No boy looks at a girl like that if he's just nice. He definitely has other motives on the brain."

I laughed shakily and wiped my tears off my face. "How do you know this? You're only fifteen!"

He sat back, dropping his arms now that I was doing better. "I'm mature for my age. Dad even said so." He sat down cross-legged next to me and looked at me expectantly. "So what happened?"

Shrugging, I pulled my knees up and hugged them to my chest. "I don't want to talk about it."

His eyes flared. "Did he touch you? I swear to God, Joc, if he violated—"

"No! It wasn't anything like that!" I blurted, briefly meeting his eyes so he would see the truth. "Cole would never do something like that. Jeez, Clayton, what are you on?"

He looked at me for a moment before telling me to get out of the bathroom so he could get ready for school. I slowly did, Clayton yanking me up when I took too long, and went back to my room to pass out face-down on my bed.

 I slowly did, Clayton yanking me up when I took too long, and went back to my room to pass out face-down on my bed

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Days passed with still no sign of Cole. My mood plummeted like a skydiver taking the initial jump. Pam noticed one day at work and asked me what was wrong, telling me if I needed the day off—or the whole week—I could take it. I smiled each time and assured her I was fine. She wasn't buying it though.

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