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5 years missing...

That year was insane. His subscriber count rocketed. They went to America. They were invited to gaming conventions. He, Vik and JJ moved in together. He bought a fucking sick car. Little Vik of all people became the first of them to find a long term girlfriend. He turned twenty three, apparently that meant he was more mature. He began to enjoy life a little more...

The pain never left him though. As well as the feeling that Josh was still out there, he could still feel the connection, that part of him that had bonded him so strongly to the other boy all those years ago was still there; sunk into the shadows of his subconscious, but still present. Still alive.




Pain. Fear. Hunger. Darkness.

That was all he ever felt now.

Pain. Broken bones, sliced skin, burns that never properly healed.

Fear. He was going to break soon. One more night of...of "that" and he would be done. That's what he told himself every night...and yet somehow he was still here.

Hunger. He didn't taste food anymore. It was purely a means of surviving. He tried to give up, to give in, he didn't want to survive anymore, not here. But threats and instinct always eventually won over.

Darkness. His world had shrunk down into pure darkness. Not only in his surroundings but in his mind.

He tried to be good. He always tried to be good but it was never enough to end it all. There was no one out there. No one was coming for him, whoever he was.

Who was he again...who was he?

You all know what's coming next chapter ;)

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