Chapter 5: Warmed

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Chapter 5: Warmed

It was the third day ever since I last encountered that man. You must be questioning why I still haven’t taken him into custody into this plain building that hid horrid things. Apparently, the freaks have extended my due date with that, I have about a week until I can actually bring him in. Enough time to do so, though a bit too much, oh well, not that it bothers me really.

I have caught an interest in that person, unlike the others that surround me these days. It’s quite rare to me, plus I don’t appreciate being in debt to someone.

I might as well try to spot him once more.

Already standing in the center of the park that I last saw him, I tried to catch a glimpse of the familiar man, but of course no one such as him was in sight.

Only families and a few couples and friends were around. Children scurrying across the plain green field, playing tag, giving out shouts of joy. Where others were either sitting down on mats, having a picnic or simply take pictures of the natural environment.

Realizing I have taken a seat onto a bench,’ I really am unconscious of my own instincts’. I shrugged of the minor thought and tilted my head upwards to gaze at the clear sky.

The clouds were moving slowly.

It’s going to be a long day isn’t it.

Unknowingly another presence has also taken a comfortable seating right next to me. The person took out a sketchbook as a led pencil was held in his right hand. Not averting the direction my head was face, my pupils still rotated to my left.

It was the weirdo.

Yes, I’ve actually gave him a name to refer to as.

      Don’t you think it’s rather a perfect match?

        Well I do, don’t judge, jeez.

“Oh it’s you again!” the weirdo exclaimed in slight surprise, his expression brightening a bit due to my appearance. I looked at him with a pokerface but he still didn’t seem bothered by the fact.

Though I can tell by the look in his deep blue sapphire eyes, he was a little distracted, the movements in his hand coming to a pause before quickly resuming. He was sketching, drawing, or however you’d like to say it.

‘Is he an artist?’

Peering over I knew I hit the jackpot.

He was sketching out a sunflower.

Not very manly of him is it?

He caught me in action and just smiled small that didn’t seem as creepy as what the freaks back in my place performed. It was fond grin, looking completely relaxed in his position and stated out as he drew, “It’s a sunflower..I’m sure you know what those are.”

‘Yep. Yes, I do.’

I responded in the back of my head as I waited for him to continue.

“You probably think it’s odd for a man to draw flowers right? That they’re usually for girls and all that,” he let out a soft chuckle that faded after a couple of seconds.

‘Yes it’s definitely odd, you’re a man. You don’t have curves my friend’.

“Though I think of a deeper meaning.”

This time I looked at him directly, not knowing that I’ve unconsciously shifted a little more closer to the weirdo to hear out his story, also due to my sudden spark of curiosity towards the drawing process.

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