Chapter 6: Warned

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Chapter 6: Warned

Four days left until I can actually hand him in. But to be honest, I don’t want to do so at all. I don’t know what the freaks here wanted with him but I can tell for sure it wasn’t a pleasant topic to be spoken of. This man is too kind to bring in without any funny business getting involved. He was like any ordinary being roaming on this planet, but one of those who haven’t forgotten the warmth that use to be shared and given in the past. And those kinds of people are very rare.

‘Are they going to do the same thing they did to me?’

When I was first introduced here, I was lost. Very lost. I didn’t know what or where I was, heck I didn’t even know my own name! Or how I looked until I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. Though by then, I was already a few years older than a toddler.

Being trained and given orders to eliminate certain people was all I was knew ever since. Though, I knew something was definitely wrong when I first became conscious of my own being. There was something missing. I didn’t know what it was but surely, these freaks have fucked me up somehow before I could even become that lost child I was just a few years back.

‘Losing everything.’

My stomach churned at that. I..lost everything? That flash of memory from before was a big give away. Were those two people..that were chasing after me, actually trying to save me? Were they..

Pupils dilating at the thought, I finally came to a realization.

‘I can’t let that happen to him.’

I may not know him entirely, this weirdo. But for someone so kind and caring to still roam around this earth, I cannot bear to watch dissipate. He was..

My eyelids lowered halfway.

‘Like a father.’

Still laid onto my bed with the sheets hanging over to the side, I rotated my body and curled up. Hugging my knees, bringing them further into my chest as my arms were wrapped around them in support to hold them up.

I just want to get some rest before my head starts spinning due to all of these conclusions. It’s been a long day.. the only thing I look forward to so far now is seeing that weirdo again. I wonder what he’s even doing right now. A faint laugh slips out of my mouth at that.

‘When did I even start to actually care about this odd man.’

Finding my state rather humorous, I tried to close my eyes and drift off to a small nap. My eyelids were getting way too heavy to keep up, what a lazy body I have.

Just as soon as I was about to find myself in a peaceful slumber, a muffled sound was heard.

‘What the..?’

Sitting up straightly towards the sound, my senses became on alert. I lifted myself up slowly with little to no effort since I was just about to fall into a deep sleep. I found myself exiting my room with my plain white t-shirt and shorts on, wearing matching pallid slippers as well. Nothing too fancy, nothing too girly either, just something necessary for sleepwear.

I quietly walked down the hallways, attempting to not make a sound for there were still others, meaning the freaks, sleeping in this floor with their own closed area. It seems like no one else besides myself heard the sound from before, then again it’s understandable since I’m apparently the only one here who contains sharp hearing.

The muffled sound that was heard just previously soon became much more clear to my ear drums. Instead, it was a yell that was compressed. Must be due to it being concealed by a room and it’s thin walls, otherwise, I wouldn’t have heard it from such a distance, especially with my door closed shut.

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