Chapter 7: Pitied

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Chapter 7: Pitied

Nine am in the morning and I still couldn’t get some sleep. Everything that has happened last night was like a meteor crashing into my face. I lost another one. But no, he wasn’t another one. He was different than the rest, why I care huh. He’s one of those rare people I’ve been telling you about a lot lately. It’s just difficult to get hold of something so precious just to suddenly have it taken away from you. In front of your own very eyes as well. There was a sharp stinging in my upper chest area. It felt as if a bee was trying to break through by attacking my inner skin layers with it’s stinger, so very persistent.

I finally lifted my eyelids open, I was laying on my bed as always. As if nothing had occurred from the previous night.

A knock was then made the moment I tried to adjust myself.

‘Who is it now. Can’t you tell by the silence that I’m trying to comfort myself you fucking annoying freaks.’

My thoughts were filled with curses of those that I hated so much, I was still pretty angry after all. It’s only been a few hours since then.

I heard the doorknob from the other side of the door turn, accessing whoever was irking me to get into the room. Just another freak with those goddamn annoying lab coats on and a breathing mask hovering over the mouth.

“Akai, please get out.”

The man commanded unwaveringly, still holding the doorknob tightly cautiously as if I were to pounce him at any second. I still can’t disobey orders though, despite from what I did last night.

Stop looking into the past, Akai.

The voice echoed again within me, even though I had no clue what it was, all I could guess was that it was my conscience. What else was I suppose to conclude at the moment? I got no time to think deeply when someone’s been captured and tortured just a few hours ago.


There it was again. I exhaled a little deeply, trying to suppress the anger that was tempting to be revealed mercilessly in front of all the freaks in this building. I walked out of my room and stood before one of the freaks, there was no clipboard being held by him unlike the other one that was patient with me.

He looked at me with a calm gaze, speaking in a monotone, “The man from yesterday, Ao Koji. I’m sure you know who I’m speaking of precisely. In case you’re wondering, he is safe.”


“He is currently in his own residence, doing his daily routines or whatever...normal people do these days really. You may go outside and meet with him in his household, you have been given permission. Here is the address.”

Practically shoving a note in my palms, he then turned around and left, resuming back to his own work.

‘Good riddance.’

I look down, staring at the note and just flipped it over to read over the written address to what seemed to be the weirdo’s house.

‘Though, His name is..or was... Ao? A weird name to match a weird person. Very very weird. But I’m still going to call him weirdo.’

Heading back into my room, I got dressed in a rush and hurried back out, sprinting out of the building gladly. I headed outside without wasting another second.

Not wanting to seem suspicious as an oblivious burglar, I slowed down my pace and walked, taking a certain route. If he is still alive though..I wonder how he’s doing...what’s he doing..perhaps he’s having breakfast right now? I hope he didn’t get injured too badly.

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