14: A Not-So Normal Day on the Farm

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"Oh my, this feels wonderful!" C-3P0, or Threepio as Leia called him, called as he sunk into the oil tank. R2-D2, or Artoo, beeped in response, and although Luke had worked with droids all his life he still couldn't understand Binary very well.

Luke, in the meantime, was laying on a small bench jutting out from the wall, playing with one of his model starfighters. Leia watched in amusement as he waved it around, then turned back down to her datapad. She was doing maintenance on the moisture vaporators like Aunt Beru had told her to do, and was checking to make sure they all still worked well.

"Might I ask where we are, sir?" Threepio inquired, curious as to his whereabouts. Leia couldn't blame him; it wasn't exactly a great home he was in now, and based on his golden shininess, she guessed he was used to better places than this. Artoo whistled in response, and Leia guessed that he was voicing his friend's question.

"If there's a bright spot in the universe you're the farthest from it." Luke grumbled, and Leia shot him a look. He shrugged back at her.

"It's true."

She said nothing, just rolled her eyes and continued looking at the datapad.

"I see." Was the droid's simple response. Artoo beeped forlornly, and Leia bent down to remove something jammed inside of him.

"You sure do have a lot of durasteel in you." She commented, grunting as she attempted to remove it. "Did you two come from a star cruiser, or-"

Leia stumbled backwards as she finally pulled the piece out, and to her surprise Artoo projected a hologram. A young man appeared on the screen and Leia watched it, intrigued.

"Help us Obi-Wan Kenobi; you're our only hope." The man appeared startled at something to his left, then quickly bent down and pressed or inserted something, and the hologram repeated.

"Who's he?" Luke piped up, diverting his gaze from his model down into the hologram. He stood up and walked over to where Leia was, looking at Artoo in confusion.

"You really think I know?" Leia snapped, standing up and brushing herself off. Luke shrugged.

"Just asking."

"Well, you should think before you ask stupid questions."

"Sor-ry." He snapped back, holding his hands up defensively.

Leia sighed looked back down at Artoo. "Hey droid, what was that?"

Artoo have a series of beeps, blurbs, and whistles that neither twin had the audacity to try to interpret, and instead both looked to Threepio expectantly as he was being lowered out of the oil bath.

"What was what?" Threepio asked incredulously, thumping the astromech on the top of the head. "Be more respectful Artoo Detoo!"

Artoo whistled something like a yell, and Leia guessed that he was frustrated. She was, too.

"What in blazes is going on here?" She asked annoyedly, shifting her smoldering brown glare from the protocol droid to the astromech. Even Luke raised a brow at her anger, although he was used to it by now. She'd always had a short fuse.

"Forgive me, M'lady, but I have no idea. He says that the message is for his owner, Obi-Wan Kenobi. I have no idea what he means; our last master was Captain Antilles." Threepio confessed, and Leia was taken aback by the term he used to describe her.

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