20: The Rebellion

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Yavin 4 certainly was smaller than it's redder brother, but Luke was just in awe to see another planet. Han caught his starry-eyed look and chuckled. "What, you never seen a planet before?"

Luke shrugged, his eyes not wavering from their destination. "Only through a telescope."

"Artoo's sending the coordinates of the Rebel base to the Falcon's navicomputer." Leia informed as she walked into the cockpit and leaned on both Han and Luke's chairs to get a look of Yavin 4. "Which planet is it?

"The smaller one." Luke replied while pointing towards the green planet to the side as opposed to the massive red one in front of them. Leia sat down next to him as he switched seats with Chewie in order to let the Wookie copilot, and as she did so Threepio and Artoo entered the cockpit as well.

"Ah, we're here." Threepio stated the obvious pleasantly, while Artoo gave an excited twitter. The twins exchanged hesitant looks, both thinking the same thing: How would the Rebellion react to farmers and a smuggler delivering their precious cargo? Only time would tell.

The Falcon sped into the atmosphere, where Luke and Leia spotted a lookout tower. Soon after, the comm crackled to life. "Corellian Yacht, state your name and business."

"Uh, yeah..." Han paused and looked and Luke and Leia before continuing. "This is Han Solo, a few friends and I picked up an astromech and a protocol with valuable cargo." He made sure to not be too specific, because it was obvious the Rebellion wanted its comm privacy to account for the possibility of being hacked.

The comm was silent for a few minutes as the Rebellion undoubtedly debated letting the strangers land or not, and Luke was nervous while Leia was relatively at ease. In her mind, if Artoo really was as important as Luke said then the Rebellion couldn't afford to reject them if there was even a chance that they had the droid.

"Captain Solo, would you like me to speak with the lookout to reassure him that it is us and no other droids?" Threepio inquired.

Han waved him back absentmindedly. "No goldenrod, I've got this." He reassured confidently, but both twins knew by now that Han's confidence was almost always faked. Chewie gave Han a worried growl but he shushed him, waiting patiently but anxiously. Artoo beeped worriedly and Luke gave him a hesitant pat on the dome, and Leia sat with her arms crossed. The electricity of others' nerves in the air was starting to affect her now, and it grew as the few minutes they waited for a response stretched and continued.

Finally the comm crackled to life, but the lookout's response did little to nothing to ease their nerves. "Very well, you may proceed. Landing dock 47 is open, but do not in any case exit your ship until granted permission."

"Copy." Han stated with a small frown, and the Falcon shifted subtly to the left as he changed course towards the designated landing dock.

Luke and Leia exchanged a worried glance before both looking down at the droids. "Let's hope this was all worth it." Leia muttered, and Luke sighed.

"It will be. It has to be." He responded firmly, but Leia was still hesitant.

She exhaled in defeat and turned back towards the cockpit. "Either way, we're here now."

"Yes we are." Han murmured as the Falcon set down gently inside the designated landing dock. "Now let's see how this goes."

"Still have those hidden compartments?" Luke asked, only half joking.

"What?" Leia frowned, and Han quickly dismissed her while smacking Luke in the arm with a teasing grin flickering with nerves. "Nothing."

Chewie growled nervously, and Han glared at him. "Chewie, put your bowcaster away for crying out loud! We're supposed to look compliant, not intimidating."

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