smile [g]

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being happy was beginning to become a challenge for grayson. he was constantly disappointed in his fans for being so rude to you and not being supportive of your relationship. he knew how sad you were, even though you tried your best to hide it. ethan had tried cheering him up but nothing worked, only you could manage to make him smile.

he was currently lying in bed, headphones on, listening to music with his eyes closed. he wasn't asleep, though he looked that way to anyone who saw him. ethan let you in the house and told you grayson was upstairs and had refused to eat breakfast.

"y/n, i don't know what's wrong. and i can't do anything, he won't tell me what's going on," ethan complained.

you groaned, rubbing your eyes before setting your bag on their table, "it's okay eth, i'll talk to him." you gave ethan a small hug and a smile before running up the stairs to grayson's room.

"gray?" you knocked softly on his door, but you knew he had his headphones on. he would blast music when he was sad, something that you also did.

you opened your door and saw grayson in bed, his shirt off, and he was lightly humming along to whatever he was listening to. you took off your shoes and crawled into the bed, pulling yourself under the covers with him. you  moved his arm off his chest and put it around your shoulders as you snuggled up close to him.

"mhmm," he hummed, opening his eyes to look at you.

"hey," you whispered, still looking up at him.

"hi," he whispered back, kissing your forehead.

"ethan, uh, told me you've been sitting in bed all day, what's wrong?" you asked, tracing circles on his stomach.

"you don't deserve it," his voice cracked as he spoke and you turned your head up to look at him. "all the hate, you don't deserve it."


"no, no, let me finish. i love you and if my fans aren't going to support us and constantly hate on you, i'm not sure you should even be in this relationship. all it will do is drag you down and make you depressed, and i don't want to see that," he said, letting a few tears trail down his face.

you wiped away his tears and sat up next to him, "baby boy, all this is worth it. i think i'd  be depressed if you broke up with me. i'm not sad, gray, there are a lot of your fans who do support us and i decide to focus on them, not the others. i love you," you said, smiling softly at him.

he looked at your intertwined hands.

"come on baby, smile," you whined. "grayson," you whined again, pinching his cheeks. he let out a giggle and smiled widely at you, stealing a quick kiss.

"god, i'm so in love with you."

this is trashy

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