ex [e]

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this plot is lowkey weird as hell but go with it

ever since you and ethan had broken up, you moped around your house in sadness. you couldn't believe that you two were truly done. after everything you had been through, all of the fights and all of the make-ups.

but today, you told yourself, would be different.

"y/n? honey?" your mom asked as she came into your room, seeing you put on a little more make-up than you usually do. "oh, good! you're already getting ready!"

"for what?" you asked as you put more mascara on.

"the dolan's coming over!" your mom tried to sound cheerful.

"what?" you practically screamed, dropping the mascara.

"honey, i know you and ethan broke up but lisa asked if we could have a dinner together and i couldn't say no! i didn't want to be mean!" your mom defended herself.

"mom," you whined, "i can't see ethan! i'm a mess!"

"you don't look like one," your mom said, stroking your hair.

"what if i'm scared to see him?" you asked her quietly, looking down.

"that's normal. but after the first time your dad and i broke up, seeing him again was the best thing to ever happen to me," she said, kissing you on your forehead.

you mumbled a thanks as she left the room. you promised yourself that you wouldn't break tonight, you wouldn't crack under pressure.


"y/n, come down here," you walked down the stairs slowly, seeing lisa and sean waiting at the door.

"hi mr. and mrs. dolan!" you said as happily as you could manage.

"y/n, it's been too long!" cameron said as she ran through the door, stopping her mom and dad from saying anything.

"hey, cam!" you said, genuinely happy.

out of the corner of your eye you saw your mom and lisa send each other a worried glance but you brushed it off.

"y/n can you go help your dad set the table?" your mom asked you.

you nodded your head and walked over to the dining room, seeing your dad placing the plates and utensils on the table.

"i'm here to come to your rescue," you giggled as you moved the fork and spoon around because they were on the wrong sides.

your dad chuckled and began to set down napkins in every seat. you two soon finished setting the table and high-fived each other.

"can you go ask your mom if she wants wine?" your dad told you.

"of course," you hummed, walking back out to the living room where everyone was sitting down.

including grayson and ethan.

you gulped and saw ethan's head snap up because grayson nudged him. ethan looked good, happy. or maybe he was just pretending like you.

"m-mom, dad wants to know if you want wine," you said quietly, cheeks turning red.

"i'm okay. any of you want wine?" your mom asked lisa and sean.

"i'll take some," cameron said chuckling. "no, but i'm serious. can i actually have wine?"

"cameron!" lisa said playfully as cameron put her hands up in defense.

"lisa and i will have some," sean said, sending a soft smile your way.

you turned to go tell your dad but as you were you saw ethan get off his seat at the couch and begin to walk your way.

shit no. don't fucking come near me, dolan.

"dad, lisa and sean want wine," you said quickly as you walked into the kitchen where your dad was.

"are you alright?" your dad asked skeptically.

"please give me something to make me busy, i can't talk to ethan and i'm pretty sure he wants to talk to me. i'm not freaking ready for that! like what does he expect us to talk about? how miserable i've been without him? like, geez, dude, don't got to rub it in even more. now thinking about it, why did we ev-"

"y/n!" your dad said, stopping your rambling. "hear what he has to say, okay?"

"dad, i c-"

"hey," ethan said softly as he walked into the kitchen. your dad left you alone.

"h-hi," you looked down.

"y/n i just want to talk to you," he said, his voice slightly breaking.

"go ahead," you said, finally managing to reach his eyes.

"god damn it, i miss you so much. i miss your hair and your morning kisses and your hugs. fuck, your hugs are so good. i miss your laugh and your smile and how your eyes twinkle when you're happy. y/n, i need you," by the end, his eyes were brimming with tears and so were yours.

"then why'd you break up with me?" you choked out.

"i-i was having the worst fucking night and everything was bothering me and i overreacted and took it out on you and i never should've because you are the only person that makes me want to be alive," he said, taking a step towards you.

"e-ethan, you b-broke me. i was miserable for d-days. i still am!" you muttered to him.

"i'm sorry, y/n. i'm so sorry," he brushed a piece of your hair behind your ear.

you closed your eyes and let your head rest in his large hand. you sighed and pulled him into a hug.

"i forgive you," you mumbled.

"i will never ever hurt you again," he said, pressing a kiss to the side of your head.

"cam! you owe me 20 bucks!" you could hear grayson scream and cheer happily.

"they actually got back together?" cam asked as she ran to the kitchen doorway to see you and ethan hugging.

"just ignore them," ethan whispered in your ear.

you giggled and hugged him tighter, "i've missed you so fucking much."

"now you don't have to."

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