"Paris Andrews"

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It was Labor Day, students last day of freedom before school started. Me and my buddy Ryan were sitting, relaxing by the pool. "I think I know how to make our senior year interesting" I said. "What is it this time Miles?" Ryan said back. "We can be love doctors!" Ryan shook his head and laughed. "What? It's a genius idea!" "Yeah! for a fifth grader!" Ryan started to gasp for air because he was laughing too much. "So, I was thinking that we could help those who have never had a boyfriend or girlfriend before." "Now I'd totally be down, but there's gotta be cash involved" Ryan said.  "Cash? Dude this is a charity, not done kind of work load!" Ryan stared me down. "Fine, if you help me I will give you $50" I said. "Deal."

  We sat there for a bit, mostly me thinking of a subject. Ashley? No. Jessica? She's a whore. Kasey? Too weird. In the middle of my thinking, Ryan clears his throat. "Why are you doing this?" He asked. "I don't know, I'm bored and want something to do." "This isn't because of J?" J short for Jenny, my ex- girlfriend. We broke up a few months ago, not sure why. We were the most talked about couple. We were the life of the party, the OTP of valley high. Then out of no where, she stops talking to me. I went to this party, totally intoxicated and find her making out with the star of the basketball team, Ben Lauter. Harsh right? The more I thought of it, the more of what Ryan was saying made sense; but I couldn't let him know he was probably right. "No it's not because of J, it's about helping others who need it." "Whatever man, can we just go back to pool?" "Sure man."

   It was time, 7:30 am. Late as usual, but still there. I get a few "hey miles, had a good summer?" From people and some state downs, but who doesn't?The first bell rang and I ran to my class.
      During lunch ryan and I narrowed it down a ns finally chose a girl, Paris Andrews. Ryan's friends friend's best friend. Confusing right? Anyways she's super shy and she doesn't talk much. She only has this one friend and a couple others so I felt bad and wanted to help. This is gonna be perfect.
           "Hello everyone welcome to English 4 my name is Mr. Kenley. So for this week we're gonna be doing a packet of--" blah, blah, blah that man just went on. Luckily I spotted Paris in the back row, looks nervous. So when he said partners I didn't go for my usual Ryan but I ran to Paris. "Hello, Paris Andrews right?" I asked. "Um.... yeah, your Miles Bently right?" She asked.
"Spot on, I was wondering if we could be partners?" I asked. "Um yeah sure.." she said. "And I hope in not asking too much but have you taken English 3 yet?"
"Yeah I took it last year, why?"
"I was wondering if you could tutor me?"
"Yeah, sure, okay yeah I'll do it"
"Great and I'm willing to pay you"
"Oh you don't have to-"
"Let me finish woman!"
She gave me a stare and with looks she told me to go on.
"I'm going to help find you a boyfriend"
She choked on her water for a second and stared at me.
"You heard me"
"Why would you do that? Couldn't you have just given me money?"
"Come on you will have the best time of your life. Please?"
She huffed and realized that I won't take no for an answer.
"You know what? Fine I'll do it."
"Great. So tomorrow night be ready by 8, I have fun planned for us"
       That day was the first day Paris agreed to do something with a male, ever. I guess you could say I changed her life, because, well, I did. She may have not seen it, but i surely did. That's when I began helping Paris

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