"Couple Goals"

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Since I had company over, Anna didn't try to put cold water on me or hit me with pillows. But Anna was impressed when Rachael woke me up instead at 9:00. "Rise and shine mister!" Rachael said, poking my face. I pushed her finger away and turned to the other side. "How long can someone sleep?" Rachael asked. I opened my eyes and stared at the clock, it was 9:00. "It's nine o'clock not 12 in the afternoon." I said facing towards her again. Who gets up this early? "Exactly! I'm usually up by 7!" Rachael said. "Why?" I asked. "I don't know. I feel like if a sleep in, I wasted time" Rachael shrugs.
She successfully got me out of bed and we headed towards the living room. "Wow" Anna said, coming out from the kitchen with her coffee in one hand and magazine in the other. "You're up before 11...... impressive." I frowned and crossed me arms, "she woke me up..." Rachael shrugged, "I enjoy getting up earlier. Preferably earlier than this but......" Anna's face light up, obviously impressed. "You know, Miles" she looked at me and back at Rachael. "I'm starting to really like this girl!" Rachael's face lit up as well and i fell into the couch. It felt so nice, I wanted to sleep so badly. Rachael and Anna both face palmed. "Well, he at least got up at a decent time" Anna said, shaking her head. "True" Rachael replied. "Since miles is gonna be an a$$hole, help yourself to anything in the kitchen." Anna said while leaving to the study room.
While I took a 30 minuet nap, I heard the sound of the tv. Rachael was flipping through the channels and eating her bagel at the same time. "After this, I can take you home if you want" I offered. "Thanks for the offer but my moms coming to pick me up any minuet now" Rachael said. "Oh" I said while going back to my nice couch nap. Five minuets passed and a car horn went off. "That's my mom" Rachael said while I turned my head. "If I had enough energy I would walk you out but-"
"Your fine" Rachael said while laughing. She kissed me cheek and went out the door.
After that, I decided I needed to get some air. I changed into my swimming trunks and t-shirt and I drove to the beach. I probably should've let you guys know sooner, but I live in Florida. It's warm when other states are not. It's currently the start of November so the hot October days are still lingering. Today happened to be 97 degrees, which I was lucky. While on my way there, I called up Ryan for some much needed bro time. Thankfully he said "sure, I've got nothing planned." So once I got there, I knew it was going to take Ryan a few to get here. I got a text a few minuets later saying, "can Paris come? She was with me when you called so..." really? I just want to punch him. Instead of saying no, I said, "sure, Rachael is coming too so I don't mind." F*ck, let's hope Rachael answers.
Ring, ring, ring
"Hello miles!"
"Heh I know we just hung out like an hour ago but I need you to do me a favor."
"What is it?"
"Well I'm at the beach right now and I asked Ryan to come too. Unfortunately Ryan decides to bring Paris. I really don't want to be a third wheel, so I reeeeaaalllly need you to come!"
"Miles, can't you just call another guy friend?"
"I could've but I called you so pllleeeeaaassssseeee?"
"Alright! Alright, I'll be there in 20"
"Thanks, you're a life saver!"
I hung up the phone and tossed it aside. Thank gods! I knew I could count on Rachael, she probably thinks I'm needy but whatever. I decided to wait to get in the water just in case anyone gets lost or can't find me. So I decided to lay on the towel and play with sand in my hands because sand.
"Hey" I look up and Paris standing over me. I got up and looked around. "Uh hey! Where Ryan?" I asked. "Oh, he went to the bathroom over there" she said. "Right..." I said shaking my head. "So where's Rachael?" She asked. "On her way..." I said. "Right...."
"Look, I don't want anything to be awkward around here so let's try to have fun. Okay?"
"Deal, I hate all this tension and sh*t. Sometimes I wish I hadn't started dating Ryan...."
"Whys that?"
"Because it makes everything awkward and limits me, you know? I can't miss your cheek, hug you, etc without making Ryan jealous or mad. I can't pretend to flirt with you but that's soooo much fun. Now Rachael and me have this awkward sh*t going on because of you and Ryan. And something about me and Ryan triggers you sometimes."
"I-I-I mean it doesn't trigger me, it..... it makes me uncomfortable and sometimes annoyed."
we both laughed at our little argument. "I'm tired of waiting, we're getting in the water!" I said. "Yes please, I've been dying!" She said. I pulled off my shirt and took off my flip flops. "Daaaaaammmmnnnnnnnn look at those abs!" She said. "Never seen these babies before?" I asked punching my abs. "Not sober" she said touching them. She slid her hands up my abs and poked it a few times. I grabbed her hand, "they're real" I said while laughing. Paris' cheeks got red and she began to take off her shorts. She finally was done after taking the longest time ever. "Ready?" I asked. She put her hands into mine and squeezed, "ready!" We ran full force into the water. We let go and jumped into it. Paris' laughs were heard not too far away. I had to admit, her laugh was cute. "It's sooooo nice" Paris said.
We swam for a bit and then Ryan and Rachael appeared out of nowhere. "Hey!" Rachael said to us. I looked up and saw Ryan and Rachael. "Hey guys!" Paris said. "It feels so nice! Honestly I could be here forever" Ryan said while falling into the water. Rachael stood there, water only up to her knees. "Cold?" I asked. "Very" Rachael said. "You know..... if you get in the water fully, it won't be as cold" I said. "No thanks" she said, her teeth chattering. I shrugged, got up, lifted Rachael over my shoulders and started walking into the water. "Miles!" Rachael scream laughed. As we got closer to the water she started to actually scream and hit me. "Okay here we go!" I said while dropping her. She landed in the water and came back up. "Miles!" She said while laughing. She tried to reach for my shoulders but I happen to be a bit too tall for that so I lifted her up for her. She kissed me and then I gave her a piggy back ride to Ryan and Paris. "So she finally got in the water?" Paris laughed. "Hey! It was cold!" Rachael replied. We all laughed at the silliness of everything. Rachael got off of my back and left to hang with Paris, which left me with Ryan. "Been a while since we hung out. Just the two of us I mean" I said. "Yeah, sorry man I guess I got getting caught up in having a girlfriend.

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