"Helping Paris"

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Monday, the weekend after the snowball. Most don't come because they are tired out still. People who care come and the ones who are forced. Paris wanted to go because she believes ryan won't show his face. But here I am driving Paris to school with me. When we got out she grabbed my arm like a child and we stared to walk to the school. "We will go to your locker first quickly and go to mine okay?" I asked. Paris nodded and quickly went to her locker. A miserable guy was standing next to it. I didn't recognize him until I got closer, realizing it was ryan. I stopped dead in my tracks and asked her what's her 1st block and locker combination. "Paris, go in the bathroom and stay in the bathroom until I text you. Got it?" I said to her. "What?" She asked. "Go!" She hurried in the bathroom and I approached the locker. "Miles? Buddy I gotta tell you something. I f*cked up man, real bad" he said. "Yeah you f*cking did now get the help away" I said firmly. "What? No! I need to talk to Paris" he said. I came closer to Ryan and leaned it. "Leave her the f*ck alone alright? She doesn't need you, she doesn't want you, she doesn't even want to see you. So do her a favor and disappear for bit." I whispered screamed. "Fine, but I'm gonna talk to Paris one day" ryan said and he walked off. Seeing him made me pissed but seeing him in that state made me sad. He was clearly distraught and ashamed but I can't do it. I can't help him, I'm Helping Paris. I texted Paris the okay and she came to their locker. I opened her locker and put everything inside of it and took her English out. I had totally forgot that we had the same 1st block. We went over to my locker and did the same. "Do you think anyone knows?" Paris asked. "Ryan's not the one the kiss and tell to a random. He will tell em and our buddies during his lunch hour. But knowing ryan with this, he won't tell anyone except for me."
Paris nodded and latched onto my arm as usual. I'm probably gonna get some lecture from Rachael or someone but I'm gonna tell her to come over tonight for Paris.
Everything was normal today. No gossip about Paris and Ryan that I've heard. During lunch I took Paris out to Taco Bell so she wouldn't hear or be asked about her snowball night. Then we had our last block of the day. I grabbed Paris and Rachael and we went to 7/11 I paid for them and we got in my car and dove to my house. When we got there I told the girls I had to use the bathroom and go into my bedroom. While I went out he stairs I heard them talking. "Oh my gods Paris I'm so so sorry...... I should've told you to not do that...."
"No it's fine, really, Miles is a great helper, you have a good guy on your hands."
"I totally understand if you need to be with him or whatever."
"Thanks he's kinda like my bodyguard from everything ryan." Paris let out a small laugh.
"I love you Pear, your such a great person. I'd love to stay and comfort you but my moms blowing me up with texts about coming home"
"No you're fine, Miles and Anna got this." I confined to walk upstairs as Rachael approached but she dragged me downstairs. "What the hell?" I questioned. "Take good care of her okay? She's in so much pain.... you just be good okay?" She said. "No problem" I said. She gave me a quick peck on the lips and left.
I went back upstairs and sat down by her. "Heard anything?" She asked. "No, everything was normal today." I said. "Okay just wanted to make sure" she stated. She scooted closer and hugged me. "I'm so scared Miles. I don't know what he's gonna do. I saw him, I saw him this morning for a second but he disappeared. He looked miserable but he should because he's a d**k" she mumbled. "It's gonna be okay, you'll be alright. I'll be there to protect you" I said while kissing her head. Anna ordered Chinese takeout which was the best thing in world. We talked about old shows on Disney and Nick to get Paris' mind off of ryan for a bit. It worked somewhat because she was telling us about her favorites. After a bit, I took Paris home
to her parents. We never discussed if she was going to tell her parents or not so I have no idea if she's going to say something. So I left peacefully and went back home. When I turned the corner and went to my house door, ryan was sitting by it. He looked up and saw me. "Miles" he said. It rolled my eyes and kicked him aside to unlock the door. "Miles please" he said. I still ignored him, opening the door. "Miles, I don't have anyone but you to talk to. Please." He pleaded. "My room, now." I said sternly. He ran up to My room and I did the same. "Do you have any idea what you did to her?!" I yelled. "I- I know"
"No you don't Ryan! His isn't some random girl! That my f*cking best friend you almost raped!"
"Please h-h-hear me out"
"No, I'm only gonna say this once. Get away from Paris, get away from me until we're ready to f*cking hear you out."
"You know what miles? You're not the leader here! I don't have to listen to your threats. I don't have to do what you want me to. I'm tired of being your little b**ch." with that, ryan went downstairs and left. My blood boiled, I don't know how long I can keep it in. Let's just hope he's not planning on talking to us tomorrow.
It was the next day and it was a school day. I picked Paris up and drive us to school. Paris went one way, I went the other. But I soon stopped when I heard Paris shouting. "Leave me alone!"
I ran over to her and saw Paris and Ryan. "What the hell is going on?!" I yelled. "Don't worry she isn't cheating on you Miles." Ryan rolled his eyes. "I
Told you to not f*cking talk to her" I grumbled.
"Yeah well I said I'm not gonna be your little b**ch anymore!" At this point a crowd stared to form but I didn't care. "Miles, let's just go-"
I punched ryan, I punched him in the nose. "F*ck!" He cried out in pain. "You're gonna regret that..." then came a blow at me, pretty weak I must say. Soon we were fighting and I didn't care who saw, who cared, who told. But we did get caught and sent to the principles office. Mr. Lancet, our principle came in with the meanest face I've ever seen. "Now do you want to tell me why you boys are fighting?!" He yelled. "You should ask him" Ryan nastily spat, pointing a finger at me. "He's the one who started it!"
The principle laughed. "Stop with the he said, she said! And tell me what is going down." The the door opened. "Mr. Lancet?" Paris asked. "I'm busy right now-"
"I know but I can help, I'm another part of blame..."
"Oh how comical!" Mr. Lancet looked at the both of us. "A fight over a girl..... just like the movies!"
"No sir, it's worse than that, can I talk to you in private?" She asked. "Well these two obviously know the situation so I don't think they would be a problem." Mr. Lancet said. "Okay..... well" Paris but her lip. "I two timed them sir...... I dated both of them at the same time and it got out of hand. It was all my fault..." Mr. Lancet looked at all of us. "Alright then. Thank you Miss Andrews, you are free to go since you really didn't do anything." Paris walked out of the room. "As for you two..... you will get a week suspension, no school, no make ups on everything, 0's" Mr. lancet said. I put my head in my hands. I couldn't believe this, Paris covered for Ryan. I somewhat respected her decision but at the same time I wanted to tell the truth. I still care for ryan even though it shrank about 60%. I just miss him as a friend. We got our slips and we got out of the office. Ryan started to walk out but I stopped him. "Ryan?" I asked. Ryan turned around and looked at me. "I miss you man. Things got so complicated and I understand you f*cked up big time. Let this blow over and then come talk to me okay?" I said. Ryan nodded and hugged me. I didn't expect that but it happened. "Dude, I'm such a terrible person, I hate myself for doing that to her I just want to go back...." ryan started crying. "Paris cares for you, trust me. She would have told everyone everything if she didn't. Give it some time and we will all be okay. We'll be that carefree group again." I let go of Ryan and got in my car. "Want a ride?" I asked. "Yeah" ryan said while he got in. The drive was silent, which I expected it to be. I dropped him off and got home to a furious Anna. "Look I know things have been crappy lately but that doesn't give you a green card to go start a fight with someone! Even your best friend of 10 years!" Anna yelled. She kept on talking And talking and I knew I wasn't gonna hear the end of it. But she didn't ground me for eternal life she just had me do a lifetime of chores and good deeds or whatever. She did take away my car though. Paris can drive so I will expect her to be my Uber for a week.
So I went outside to get some fresh air. I sat down on the front lawn and just looked out into the neighborhood. Thinking about all the problems, hoping they would go away soon. "You look lonely" a girl said. I looked up and my neighbor, Ellie, was standing to the side of me. Ellie and I used to be close back in middle school. We always played hide and seek in her humongous backyard, we played house, and sometimes she got em to play dolls with her. Ryan would occasionally would come around and ride bikes with us but that's all he ever did with Ellie. Then in 7th and 8th grade, her and I got super close. We told everything to each other. But that all changed when she started to have different friends from her school coming over. We just grew apart like any normal friendship. "Hi" I said. "A lot on your mind?" She asked. "You always did this." "Yeah a bit" I said. "Mind if I keep you company?" She asked. I shrugged and she sat down next to me. "Spill" she said.
And I did exactly that, I told her everything. It's not like she knew any of them personally and she would never tell. She was always a good person to keep around. She said her little oh and wow's in the middle of all my stories. But at the end is when we really got talking. "You're really sweet Miles, I can tell you care about this girl"
"Yeah, I do."
"Do you like like her?"
"Why does everyone say that?!"
"Just the way you talk about her. Her name makes you smile."
"Oh gods"
"No 'oh gods' now spill. Do you?"
"I already have a girlfriend!"
"So I don't like her that way!"
"Come on Miles! It's not like I know who this Rachael girl is"
"Okay, maybe I have little feelings but it will be a while before she has her next thing with someone and I help her with that."
"Right, but you can still tell her how you feel, tell Rachael how you feel as well. Dating a girl you don't like doesn't hurt just you, it hurts the girl as well."
"I know it's just that......"
"Look I know it's scary and well you'd rather not say that but it's what a girl would rather hear than I'm breaking up with you and then a couple days later he's with another girl!"
"Okay, okay I'll do it sometime soon. I just need time."
"Totally understandable"
From Ellie's house, her mom called her in. We said our goodbyes and I went inside as well. Anna is at the stove cooking food. "Want something?" She asked. "Yeah I need a drink" I said, sitting on the island. Anna rolled her eyes, dumped whatever she was cooking onto two plates and gave me some. "What is it?" I asked examining the plate. "Its pasta with vegetables, totally delicious" Anna said, taking a bite. "You and your vegan stuff..." I said piercing some broccoli with my fork.
"So I was thinking we could go to the movies?" Anna asked. "There's this cool movie called La La Land, it looked nice." I shrugged my shoulders, I've got nothing else to lose. "Great we'll see it at 7:30. That's in about 30 minuets so finish eating and get your shoes." So that's what I did, furnished eating and put on some shoes. We got in her trendy Range Rover and went to the theatres.
We got our tickets, snacks, and walked into the theatre. "Miles?!" Someone whispered by the front rows. Two girls got up and came towards me, those girls were Rachael and Paris. "What are you doing seeing La La Land?" Rachael laughed. "What do you mean?" I asked. "This is a chick flick bro" Paris said. Anna came over and out a hand on my shoulder. "He's got a sweet spot ladies, totally into chick flicks" Anna said. I looked over at Anna, "you took me to a chick flick?!" I whisper screamed. Anna laughed and told me she would find us a seat. "We'll sit next to you!" Rachael and Paris said. So we all joined Anna to watch the movie. The plus out of this was the reclining seats.
During the movie I was in and out of sleeping. There were some loud parts that rudely woke me up. Also Rachael and Paris were flicking popcorn at me to try to stay awake. When it finished I smiled, knowing that this was the lamest movie I had ever slept through. "This won an oscar?" I asked. "Yeah, and I'm not gonna lie, I didn't like it either" Paris said. "Oh come on you guys!" Rachael said. "It was totally amazing!" We gave her a sarcastic nod. "You don't know a good movie when you see one" Rachael said grabbing both our hands and leading us out of the theatre. When we got out Anna texted me that Rachael would take me him since she has boyfriend things to attend to, which I was fine with.
We all got into Rachael's car that she newly got. It was a typical car that you would get at 17, something nice but not too nice. "Alright, you guys hungry?" Rachael said looking at us. I nodded and Paris did as well. "Let's go toooooooooo...... Taco Bell!" She said backing out of her parking spot. We didn't disagree because Taco Bell was amazing. We got our food and headed to Rachael's house. I had never been inside Rachael's place before. Sure I've dropped her off and picked her up but I never physically went inside the house. When we went weed the house, her mom was in the kitchen reading a magazine. "Hello Rachael......" Rachael's mom turned around and saw us two. "And friends. Let me guess........ the girl is Paris and the man must be Miles!" Paris and I nodded at her guess. "Rachael talks about you two all the time! I'm glad she has found friends like you, I can tell you guys are all close." "Yes mom, now let us eat Taco Bell in peace!" Rachael's face turned red.
She dragged us into the living room where we watched this show about vampires. "Damon literally gives me life." Paris said. "Damon? Stefan all the way!!" Rachael replied. "I'm team Miles, he's pretty hot" I said, stretching. Paris and Rachael laughed and continued watching this girly show. I, however, was pretty bored so i was half watching the show, half staring into space. So I patiently waited on them to finish so Rachael can take me home.
So once I got home I crashed because I was tired. I almost died in the car. Rachael's singing kept me somewhat awake. Anna didn't seem to be home anyways so I didn't have much to put up with. Until tomorrow my dudes.....

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