"I Miss You"

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I don't know what came over me, but I'm here; I arrived at J's house. I knocked on the door and paced back and forth until she opened the door. "Hey Miles, what are you doing here?" She asked. "I-i-i just needed someone to talk to and you seemed like a good answer." She opened the door and I came inside. "What's up?" She asked
"Not much, um- I'm doing this thing where I'm helping those get a girlfriend or boyfriend so they could at least say they had a highschool relationship."
"And why are you doing this?"
"Out of boredom"
"Well it's a very unique way to get out of boredom. Who's your test subject?"
"Paris Andrews, she's a really nice girl but she's shy"
"Ah, Paris, she looked nice"
"Yeah, she's helping me with tutoring and I'm helping her find a boyfriend."
"I miss you Miles"
"Yeah she's so- wait what?"
"I miss you"
"You miss me?"
"Yeah, I shouldn't of cheated on you. I never said sorry so here I am. I want to start over. You and me"
She leaned in and kissed me. I admit, I had been waiting for this but I got over her a long time ago.
"I'm sorry, but I can't do this. If you still wanted me then you wouldn't have cheated on me."
"Miles I-"
"Cut the bs, the basketball player left you and you needed a rebound. I'm not your little puppet."
"Yes that is true but your not my re-"
"I don't even know why I came over here. I'm going, see you at school J"
With that, I left her house and called up Paris.
"H-hey Paris, its Miles. I was wondering if I can stop by your house and we can get a tutoring session in?"
"Uhhh, yeah sure I'll text you my address"
Paris' house was a standard house. One story with two cars parked in the driveway. I knocked in her door and she immediately answered.
"Hey! Come in, come in" she said. As I enter red her house, her brother was playing video games. "That's my brother Nick, he sits there all day and plays video games." We came into the hallway and went to her room. "Is there somebody here Pare?" A woman called out. "Yeah mom! I have to tutor a friend!" She yelled. I looked at her room; it was clean, white, and filled with books. "Do you like to read?" I asked
"Yeah, it's one of my hobbies. I also like to write.."
"Have you written anything?"
"Yeah, lots actually"
"Can I see?"
"I don't know..."
"It's not like I'm a publisher or anything"
She grabbed one of the many stacks of notebooks by her bed. She handed me a notebook and said, "here. There's a lot of short stories and a full book in this one. I even have a table of contents in there."
"Sweet, I'll read it at home"
"Cool..." she nervously scratched her arm. "Do you want to start studying?"
"Yeah, that's what I came here for" I laughed.
I grabbed my English book and we began on tutoring. We spent 30 minuets studying and the rest of the time talking. After that I said my goodbyes and went home. My mom was in the kitchen, her arms folded. "You didn't do what I asked you to" she said sternly. "Don't do the dishes, take out the trash, or clean your bathroom!"
"I'm sorry mom I had studying to do!"
"Yeah? For 4 hours?!"
"I want to succeed"
"Just go upstairs, please? I don't want to talk to you"
"Fine!" I yelled.

The next morning rolled around and I got up early to do all the chores my mom asked me to do. I also had time to sneak in a morning beer. When it was 7:00, my mom came down looking like hell. "Morning mother" I said. My mom waved me off and when to her coffee pot. Then she turned around and looked at me. "Why are you up? Aren't you supposed to be sleeping and I yell at you to wake up?" She asked. "Well I figured that I should get my chores done and so I did."
"Miles, my Miles, did the dishes?"
I nodded in agreement
"Wow.... what happened last night?"
"Well, I saw how mad you were so I wanted to get them done."
"This is so unlike you but thanks"
"No problem."
Last night, I had read one of many journals Paris had written in. Her stories are good, weird but good. She made a guy version of Alice in Wonderland. She made all her stories dark, except for one. One that I didn't understand but had a happy feeling to it. I grabbed the journal and drove to school. Paris had told me she comes to school early so I decided to go visit her. I looked downstairs and then made my way upstairs. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Paris talking to someone. "Paris!" I yelled. She turned around and smiled. "Miles? What are you doing here so early?" She yelled back. As I came up to talk to her, her friend, Rachael, was giving me a weird stare. "Miles, this is my friend Rachael."
I extended my arm out to Rachael and surprisingly she took it and gave it a shake. "Hello Miles, I didn't know you knew Paris..." Rachael said. "Wait- you know Miles?" Paris said. "Well yeah, I've gone to a few of his parties with Tori" Rachael replied. "Speaking of parties, you should come to Ryan's party along with Tori. I heard Paris is going" I said.
"Paris?" Rachael began to laugh. "Paris doesn't go to parties." "Well I believe she's coming out of her shell, isn't that right Paris?" I asked. "Yeaahhhh, we'll call it that" she said, nodding her head. "We still on for tonight?" I asked. "Tonight? What's going on tonight?" Rachael asked while smiling.
"I'm tutoring Miles, English" Paris said. "Well you two have fine with that, I've got to see my boyfriend" she said while giving my the winky face.

The day crept by and school was finally over. I didn't have tutoring today so I just went to Ryan's house. When I got inside Ryan held up a bottle of whiskey and said, "heyyyy man! It's been forrreevvveerrr since we hung out bro. Try this it's grrreeaaattt."
"Sure why the hell not?"
"That's the spirit my friend!"
Ryan's sister, Tabitha, came in gave us the look. When I mean the look, I mean "she's probably going to kill us" kind of look. "Dear gods help me...." she face palmed, "Miles, will you need a ride back home?" I thought about it for a second. "Yeah, probably. Your such a great little sister Tabs!"
I took a swig of the whiskey and she said, "yeah, yeah but you owe me!" I took a step closer to her, "I thinking of a few ways to re-pay you..." I smirked and Ryan gagged. "Dude! That's my f*cking sister!" He yelled. "Relax Ryan, I was just playing around.... Tabs is like a sister to me!" I said. Tabs rolled her eyes and went back into her room. "GTA?" I asked. "That's not even a question my friend" Ryan said. The rest of the night we drank, ate, and played video games. During one of the missions, Ryan fell asleep, leaving me to do it. I turned off the console and went into Tabithas room. I opened the door and collapsed on her bed. Tabitha looked at me and said, "why are you in my bed?" "I'm tirrreeedddd" I said while getting under the covers and pulling her closer to me. "Miles..... get.off.me" she said slowly. I took my hands off her and went to sleep. "You annoying the sh*t or of me."
"But you looovvveeee me"
"Ha! That's funny tell me another joke."
"Night, night..."
"Miles Bentley I command you to wake your drunk a$$ up and leave!"
"Damnit, why me?"
I smiled and then I actually went to sleep, in my best friends sisters bed.

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