"Boys Like Me"

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After the little conversation/threats J and with me, I decided to go find my stalker friend and my client. "So I think we should get together sometime?" Ryan's said. He touched her arm and she stepped back. "You know something causal, like a friend date...." Ryan said. "Here's my number Ryan" she said, giving him a piece of paper. "If you don't freak me out too much, I'll consider it." "Damn Ryan!" I said while hysterical laughing. "Really?" Ryan said. "Come... on"
"F*ck you man" Ryan said.
I put my hands on his shoulders and said, "f*ck you too baby" I winked at him, slapped my a$$, and out my arm over Paris' shoulder.
"I'm getting bored, let's say we get something eat and I'll take you home?" I asked
"Sounds great" she said while grabbing her clothes.
"I've got a towel in my trunk you can use" I said.
"What about you?" She asked.
"Spare clothes.." I said.
"So next time where we go to a party keep a spare change of clothes in my trunk."
"Will do."
I opened my trunk and threw her the towel. She muttered a thanks while I grabbed my clothes. I started to undress when she looked over. "Oh sh*t, I'm sorry I wasn't expecting that. A warning next time please?" She asked. "Sure thing" I said. "But next time, don't act like you didn't enjoy it." She rolled her eyes and laughed. I finished changing and Paris was still trying to dry off. "Need help?" I asked. She laughed. "No thanks.." she was still drying off and then she spotted me looking at her. "It's not a show, you perv. Turn around!" She said while laughing. I turned around and laughed. "I'm going to count to ten and if your not done changing then you're S-O-L!"
"You better-"
"Bentley, I swear!"
"I like when you call me that, mama"
"Your such a-"
"What happened to 2?!"
"10!" I turned around and she had nothing on except her underwear. She quickly covered her boobs. "Oh my gods Miles!" She squealed. "Your boobs are nice!" I said while nodding my head. "It's a shame no one has touched them...."
"Miles, you are terrible."
"But you love me!"
"I can tolerate you, there's a difference!"
"Far enough..."
She quickly changed into her clothes while I got the car started. "Good to go?" I asked. "Yep!" She said. I turned on the radio and a rap song came on.
"are you feeling this Paris?"
"You ain't gotta love cause the hood don't love me!"
"Ahh!" Paris quickly changed it and it was a soft song. "Boo, you changed it" I said while laughing.
Ed Sheerans song, "A Team" came on and she hummed to it. "You like slow songs?" I asked.
"Yeah they're my favorite" she said. "Indie is what it's called but.."
We stopped at Chuck E Cheese to grab a slice of pizza. "Only boys like you would take girls to a kids arcade" she said while laughing. "Boys like me?" I asked. "Yeah, the ones who think they're too cool for school." She said. "True." I said. "Let's go inside"
When we entered the arcade we got strange stares from customers since we obviously weren't 10 anymore. "Are you here for a birthday party sir?" The woman asked at the turnstile. "Uh, no actually we came here to eat." I said. The woman gave us a 'you really chose this place to eat' look and said, "okay, go ahead." We headed to the cashier and ordered our pizza. She was too nice and she gave us her employee discount of the month. She says she doesn't use it because she's too old for this place. We found a place to sit and put our number in the holder. "I think she was hitting on you." Paris said.
"You think so?"
"Oh, i know so"
"Whys that?"
"She was being too nice and she smiled the whole time. Like what adult or worker smiles at Chuck E Cheese?"
"Fair point. Were you jealous?"
Paris' cheeks got red and she stuttered a bit. "N-n-no. I've got no reason to be jealous"
I mouthed 'sure' to her when our waiter came and gave us our pizza. "Here you go miss" the waiter said and smiled at her. It took him a minuet to look over at me but he finally said, "and mister." "Thank you very much" Paris said. The waiter nodded and left us to eat. "So since we're here we should play some games and maybe go on the play scape." I said. Paris laughed and nodded our head. Our waiter came over 10 minuets after we were done eating and slipped Paris the bill. "I can't believe the dude slipped you the bill." I said. "Doesn't he know the guy pays the bill?" I opened the holder and found something more than just the bill; it was the dudes number. "And now I think I know why he did" I said. Paris looked puzzled but I handed over the number. Her mouth formed into an o and looked back at the restaurant part. "He was pretty good looking, I think you should try it." I said. "I don't know, he just met me through being a waiter and-"
"It's a guy, showing interest in you. Come on! Take a chance!"
"Okay, okay maybe.."
"Now let's get to games shall we?"
"Yes we shall!"
We bought the tokens from the little machine and we started to play them. We even went into the car photo booth thing. Although it was way too small we made it work. I let Paris keep it because it's more sentimental to girls than guys. The we started to play on the playscape. Paris went up the normal way while I tried to go up the huge slide. She was waiting for me at the top of the slide chanting my name. I way almost there, I swear. I reached for paris' hands and I ended up falling and taking her down with me. We skid down the slide in a very awkward way and plop. I fell onto the group with Paris on top of me. We both laughed and then realized the awkwardness of us being close together. "Sorry" she mumbled and immediately got up.
But then we continued playing the playscape, falling here and there. When it hit ten o'clock, we had to leave because it was closing. "I had fun in there despite it being Chuck E Cheese's." Paris said. "I had fun too. It's been a while since I had innocent fun" I said. "Please don't share the details because I think it's-" "oh yeah, it totally is!"
I drive her home and hugged her by paris' mothers request. I waved her off and went home and crashed in my bed.

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