"To be or not to be"

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Ryan and Paris had gone on their date last weekend. "Dude, it was awesome!" Ryan said. "She held my hand, I kissed her cheek. I'm getting some action next date!" "Woah, did she even call you back for another one?" I asked. "Well, no she said see you soon" Ryan said while biting his lip. I slapped myself. "Man, you aren't getting another date. She was being friendly" I asked. "Well you're friends with her, ask her!" Ryan said. "No I'll be too suspicious, we will get Rachael to ask." I said.
Lunchtime came around and I had told Rachael to ask but she said she was already on it. I came to the usual lunch table Paris, Rachael, and their little friend group sit at. I don't sit with them much but there are a few times where I want to. Rachael and I sit in the seats waiting for everyone else to get there. "Has Paris said anything about it?" I asked. "No actually, she was just asking about my weekend and stuff like that" Rachael said. "Well, Miles is here!" One of the girls from the table yells at Paris. "Hi" Kaylie, the girl who yelled, said. I waved at her and waiting for Paris. "He's here again?" Cayla, another girl at the table, whined. "Yeah I am" I said looking her dead in the eye. She rolls her eyes and started to talk to Kaylie. Paris sat down next to me and said her hellos to everyone. "What makes us so special today?" She asked. "You and Rachael" I said. "You're too kind" Rachael says. She makes a beat with her hands on the table and finally pops the question. "So I have been dying to ask you a question since 1st block. How was your date?"
Paris puts down her fork and says, "it was fun."
"You sure?"
"Yeah it's Ryan"
I interrupted Rachael interrogation. "I won't tell Ryan if you have something on him."
Paris breathed in and said, "I don't know how I feel about Ryan. I mean he's obviously very nice and sweet but I don't know. I want to have another date with him though. You can tell him that miles, if you please."
"Cool, he's gonna be stoked! He's really
Into you, ya know?"
"Really?" Paris blushed.
"Oh yeah, he was so nervous before your date. He was texting me and asking what to wear and that nonsense."
Paris laughed, "I've never seen Ryan like that."
"Well it means something, a big something actually. He's really into you and Ryan's not like that."
"Now I feel obligated to give him a hug or cuddle with him" Paris said, placing her hand on her heart.
Finally 4th block came around and I sat next to Ryan. "Dude!" I shouted. "So what's the 411?" Ryan asked excitedly. "She's into you but she's not willing to say it." I said. Ryan smiled but I had to say more, "but I'm not done yet!" I took a death breath, over exaggerating it. Ryan laughed and punched me. "Okay, so she said she wanted to go on another date with you." Ryan stood up from his seat and cheered. "I'll talk to her while we're walking." Ryan said. I slapped his back and smiled. I've never seen Ryan so happy. It almost made me jealous of how happy he was and how I want that.
It's like Ryan read my mind or something because he said these words, "okay so now that I've got someone, you need someone too." I shrugged. "Someone like Rachael......" Ryan said. "Uh, no Rachael and I are FRIENDS" I said.
"But think about it, double dates, good times, everyone knows each other. It will be awesome!"
"But what if things don't work out? A divide between the girls and us as a whole group..."
"Dude, like you never know if you and Rachael are soulmates and are too oblivious to see it. I'm not gonna lie but I see the way Rachael looks at you sometimes. And it's not a friend like look"
"No dude, just no"
"Yes dude, just YES"
The teacher came and the bell rang but I could tell Ryan wasn't gonna give up.
When the last bell rang for the day, I headed to my locker to get my backpack. When I got there I got greeted with the usually cheek kissing but only from Rachael. "Where's Paris?" I asked. "She headed to Ryan's locker today" she said. I responded back to her with an "oh." For some reason, that bothered me more than it should have. But in my mind I said duck it and put my arm around Rachael and headed to Ryan's locker. "Hey guys" I said. I waved with my free arm as I watched Ryan's Ryan and Paris talk.
"Hey" Paris said. A simple hey, not a kiss in the cheek, not a hug, not a high five, nothing. "Paris and I are going on another date this weekend" Ryan said wrapping his arms around Paris. "Cool" I said. I looked down, I didn't care about it much. I was into it until Paris stopped being a good friend to me. It's not like Ryan would care if you touched me, he knows that I'm not like that. If it's going to be like this, f*ck that, in out. "Well we will leave you two alone I guess" Rachael said. She began to walk but I didn't take a step. I was in too much thought. Rachael looked back, "miles?" I looked up at Rachael holding my hand. "S-sorry I blanked for a sec" I muttered. She dragged me outside and we walked to my car. "So is Paris gonna ride with us still?" I asked. Rachael shrugged and got in the car. "I hope not, it's a party when the three of us are riding" Rachael said. We got our usual at 7/11 and instead of dropping off Rachael, she wanted to come To my house. I didn't mind because Rachael is a nice person and she's good to talk to.
"So what's up?" Rachael asked. "What do you mean?" I asked.
"Oh come on Miles, you were bothered that Paris didn't come to your locker and you were uneasy when Ryan wrapped his arms around her."
"No, I just had an off day..."
"Bull, you were fine at lunch!"
"Because lunch is the highlight of my day"
"Do you like her Miles?"
"Yes. In fact, you should go on a date with me."
"A date you and me."
"Sure no problem.."
"I honesty think you're a great girl and I think we should give it a shot. Since Ryan and Paris why not Miles and Rachael."
"Is there anything I need to be worried about?"
"A possible crazy ex who's trying to get me for her enjoyment."
"Oh okay."
Rachael blushed and continued to do her homework. When she was done, her mom came to get her. She kissed my cheek, hugged me, and left. Anna came downstairs and huffed. "What are you doing miles?" She groaned. "What do you mean?" I asked. "You're dating your crushes best friend?" Anna questioned.
"For one she's not my crush."
"Look Miles, I said I don't want you dating her but you're just going to hurt the girls. Split them apart as well as yourself and Paris."
"No it's not like that."
"It totally is Miles, make sure you don't get too involved with the friend."
I nodded because I felt like I wasn't going to win the agreement whatsoever. I'm not going out with Rachael is spite of Ryan and Paris. I'm going out with her because she actually shows interest in me.
I woke up for another day of school. Paris is in my 1st block, so that's gonna be great (not). As usual to ran to class with 1 second to kill. But our class starts ten minuets after the bell rings so the teacher can do everything. I unfortunately sit next to Paris and there's no empty seats in the class room. "Hey miles" she said; I forced a smile. She places her hand over mine. "Miles what's wrong?" She asked.
"Look, you weren't yourself yesterday after school. I need to know what's wrong so we can fix whatever is going on."
"You wanna know what's wrong?"
Paris nodded.
"Your changing for Ryan."
"You don't come to my locker chase you're busy with Ryan. You don't hug me because you'd rather be with Ryan. Ryan, Ryan, Ryan. I know it sounds selfish but I want my friend back."
"I'm not- okay maybe I don't kiss you cheek or hug you because I don't want Ryan to think I have some type of feelings before."
"It's not like that stopped you before!" I stared at her and the teacher started the lesson. During the block I saw Paris glance at me a few times to see if I was still mad. I placed my hand on her thigh, squeezing it. "I just want my Paris back" I whispered. The bell rang and I made my way through the busy halls and ho to 2nd block.
It was lunch time finally and I sat with Rachael. "Rachael!" I said. "Miles" she mimicked. She hugged me and kissed my cheek. "It's been too long!" She said in a sarcastic way. "Too long!" I said lifting her in the air and twirling her. She laughed and we went back to the table, getting weird stares from Kaylie. "Quick question" Kaylie asked. "Aren't you Paris' friend" she followed. "Yeah" I said. "I thought- sorry if this sounds ridiculous- you liked her" Kaylie said. "Nah.... besides she's going out with my friend, that wouldn't be too great" I said. Just as we finished the Q&A, Paris comes in, ruffling my hair and sitting next to me. "Hey guys...... miles" Paris said. "Sup" I said.
"So I was thinking" Paris said. She put her fork down and stared at Rachael and I. "We should go on that double date that we were supposed to go on a couple weeks ago."
"Well I don't know, me and Rachael were supposed to-" Rachael pinched me. "Nonsense, Miles! Of course we'd love to." Rachael said smiling. "Great, in excited!" Paris said. Kaylie watched everything, and to be honest, I felt bad for her. But she knew exactly what's going on. It was like she could read my mind. I didn't care for their relationship anymore, I want to work on mine. Rachael was my best shot and I will try to make it work.
It was the new routine of Rachael only showing up to my locker after school. I slung my arm around her, went to 7/11 together, and dropped her off. She tried to cheer me up, but it wasn't happening. She knew I was mad that Paris wasn't here anymore, and I believe she was mad too.
I got home, did the same routine, and woke up the next day. Friday, the day all teenagers love during the week. When I got to my locker, Paris was there. "Hey" I said. Paris came closer to me and kissing my cheek twice. "To make up for when I didn't come to your locker after last bell" she said. "Your too kind" I said. I opened my locker and began to put my stuff away. "So, I want you to be honest with me okay?" She asked
"Yeah sure thing."
"Are you okay with me seeing Ryan?"
"Are you happy?"
"Happy with Ryan?"
"Yeah I am"
"Then I'm okay with it."
"Really? You don't seem like it."
"Well now that you've found someone, your not my priority as much. Now it's time for me to find it."
"Oh, okay... uh... see you in 1st block. I'm gonna go talk to Rachael or Kaylie"
I waved her off. What I said was half of the truth. If she was happy then I am happy. But Ryan and Paris didn't make me happy. I know what Ryan's capable of and I don't want that to be the case for Paris. I looked around the halls and spotted the poster. Snowball is here! This is not going to be good.

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