the rose

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10.4 6:35 am

It had been a day since Millie and Finn had seen each other. Millie, after being held in his arms for a few minutes, told Finn that she had to go, she had to think about this.

'Am I bipolar? Am I crazy, no I'm smart. I'm not letting a stupid hot, attractive, intelligent, cute, hot- damn it, How about I don't think about him?'

She had asked Sadie and Maddie for advice, they told her to go with the flow and that she would regret it afterwards if she just backed out now. And she agreed, she's trying to not trip and fall for him, but little does she know, she's already tripped.

Millie, peacefully sleeping on for a Sunday morning, is woken up by a ringtone on her phone. "shit," she groans, tossing around in her bed, also noticing how cold it was. She looked around the room to see her window was open.

"What the hell?" She hopped onto her toes and looked out the window, not recalling that she ever left it open. She let out a yawn, ran her hands through her short hair and made her way towards her phone.

'who in the world would text me at this time of night, or even overall?'

Picking up her phone, she scrolled to the notification from Finn:

" Hey. I missed you so I decided to stop by, you were a sleep so I didn't want to wake you up, but I left you a note, it's in the drawer, goodnight finn
— xx "

A wide grin plastered on Millie's face as she read the text, immediately she dropped her phone on the bed and scavenged for the note.

It was a pink sheet, about the size of a notecard. But written with neat handwriting, Millie read to herself.

You're the sun, I'm the earth. I revolve around and hopefully with my help you'll become brighter- we know you need help with algebra- and hotter- even though you're pretty amazing- like me, I adore you,
— finn w. xx ps, meet me @ the park @ 5:15 , now get some sleep.

Millie, in awe, fell back onto her bed feeling dizzy. She was happy, happiest she's been ever since her fathers death.

Fuck it, I'm gonna fall for him, I'm gonna fall hard for him.

10.4 @ 5:10

As usual Millie was at the park early, since it was only about 5 minutes away from her house, and also cause she liked the outdoors.

She wore high top, skinny jeans and a turtleneck crop top that complimented her hair perfectly.

'i wonder if finn dressed up for me?' She felt her heart skip a beat when she pictured the handsome boy in an ideal outfit.

Finn was right on time. His heart warmed up when he was near the park and could see the girl he was head over heals for. 'Don't fuck this up.'

"Millie Bobby Brown?" He smirked as he approached her with his hands behind his back.

She turned around to meet eyes with the tall boy. "Are you the boy from the notes?" she sarcastically asked flashing a small smile.

"No, but that guy seems cool, you should probably give him a chance, if he's writing you letters, he obviously deserves it." he slyly shot back, and placed a rose between them, "For you."

The rose was made out of paper, origami, and it consisted of all the words that had gone through his head when he first laid eyes on her.

Millie looked at in astonishment. 'Smart and artistic? Holy fuck' She couldn't take her eyes off the gift. "I-I, how did you make this?"

"Don't open it now, and magicians don't reveal their secrets," he answered.

"Not even how you magically made a girl who hated you, like you?" she boldly said, the words rolled off her tongue. She kept it calm on the outside, but was screaming on the inside. 'Did I just say that, is he actually a magician? Am I under some kind of spell... a love spell?'

He smiled at the words,"No I can reveal this one though." He pulled her aside and held her hands with his in between each other.

"How?" she intervened her hands with his and looked up at him, trying to not break eye contact.

"Like this," their faces got closer slowly, Millie felt like her body was unconsciously moving closer towards his, as if it was destined to happen.

'Holy shit HOLY SHIT it's happening' Millie's heart was beating so fast, she hoped that Finn couldn't hear it. Everything felt like it was in slow motion. Finn looked at her lips, craving them and angled his head and slowly swooped in.

Millie closed her eyes, tensions rising along with her heart beat. Then it happened. His soft lips touched hers. It was a deep and long kiss that satisfied everything.

Every muscle in Millie's body felt numb, her legs felt heavy, she felt like she did two days ago. Invisible with his love.

Finn felt her kiss back, he removed his hands from hers, and cupped her cheeks, then slowly pulled away from the kiss.

Millie slowly flattered her eyes open, feeling the kiss linger on her lips.

Finn smiled at the awe-struck girl, admiring her innocence and well-being. It was something he was fond of, something he'd also like to inherit, many of the reasons why he was so keen of her.

"T-That's a pretty cool trick," she whispered smiling as she felt his warm, soft hands on her blush ridden cheeks.

"You should practice it," he smiled,"Just not with other people, with me," He leaned in and whispered to her ear.

His warm breath bounced off her neck, leaving her goosebumps down her back. Millie never felt this way before. She liked it, but she liked Finn more.

Finn pecked her jaw and pulled away. He pulled a strand of hair that was in her face behind her ear,"Come on, I'm taking you away for the night," he smirked and held out his hand.

Next chapter will be where shit goes down lmao !! enjoy ,, - 1.28.17

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