He's Prettier Than Me?!

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If you see BARK and words after it that means what Ted means when he barks and Lou understands him.

Lou White POV

I saw Ted coming out the royal stables smirking. "There you are Ted! Why were you in the stables?"

BARK! "To play with mice."

"Ted I told you a million times, don't play with mice before I give you the cookie cream!" I scolded at him.

BARK! "But they were soo delicious!"

"That's it no cream before supper."

BARK! "I tell Haylee!"

"You'll tell Haylee I forgot to fed you while, I tell her whose, been looking through her beauty potions." He pouts and goes back into the castle.

Haylee's POV

"The platters, the flooring, the lighting and the awful maid must be gone! Everything is wrong! Tell Lady Rosette-" I got cut off.

"I'm right here your majesty."

"Speak to me when I'm talking to you! Tell Lady Rosette to sweep the fireplace and make Lou White do all the rest. Everything must be old and dusty expect for me! Offensive and smelly expect for me. Someone needs to be banished if they think they're prettier than me!" I heard giggling. I looked over seeing Lady Rosette and Lady Violet laughing. "You two?! Why are you laughing?! Stand tall when I talk to you!"

"We're sorry your majesty we were looking at Ted who was making weird faces and he reminded us of you." Lady Rosette said.

"Lady Rosette no more talking! Please tell Lou White to clean his room and the ballroom! I have Prince Nick coming and everything needs to be ugly expect for me." She bowed and left. I turned to Ted that's looking into my mirror. "TED! Get away from my mirror!" I yanked his tail.

"Your majesty! You must not pull on a dog's tail, why they use it for many wonderful things!" Lady Violet warned me. "I have the most adorable puppy and when he does something bad I say that's wrong and he should never do it again."

"Really?" She nodded gladly. "Well, tomorrow before the birds start singing, take your puppy to the lake and THROW HIM IN!" She started crying. "It's my law that there is no beauty in this kingdom! So if your puppy is adorable as you say he is, he must be killed. Goodbye Lady Violet when you leave shut the drapes behind you." She ran off crying when she was gone I looked into my mirror on the wall. "Mirror mirror on the wall, I know you know that I want to know whose the most beautiful person in the land. So who has the most beautiful face of them all?"

The face appears then looks at me and speaks. "Alright, will you stop asking me that? I always say you and you never believe me. But now there's a new more absolutely beautiful face in this kingdom, and it's not a girl this time."

I look at the mirror in shock, a boy is more breathe taking then me?! "Who is it?! I'll have him destroyed! If it's the last thing I'll do!"

"Well I won't do that if I were you. If you do you'll lose you crown faster than Ted can catch mice. It's Lou White. He's the fairest one of them all! I'm so sorry my queen!"

"Lou White, is more beautiful than me?! That can't be! I'm far more beautiful then him! Mirror, please tell me everyone is not better looking then me!"

"I'm sorry Haylee but Lou White is way more handsome then you and your brother. You should get some masks so he could cover up his face and no one will look at it! People may think he hates his face and they will never notice how beautiful he really is. Oh and get enough for everyone, they think they're better than you too."

"That's a brilliant idea mirror! I'll get masks for everyone so no one will think that they're better than me! See later mirror I have an important business to take care of." I laughed evilly. Lou White needs to watch his back! He doesn't all this attention!!! Everyone needs to love me! Not Lou! Why did I have to marry a king with a handsome son?!

Author's Note:

Hey! What's up? Que pasa? I finally updated this story!!!! Yay! I really want to update faster but, you guys know that I'm trying my absolute hardest to update. Well, this week I am going to Tennessee to see (try saying that five times~ Really hard!) my brother then when I get back on Monday, in 9 days my dad is flying down to get him! I'm so happy! I missed my brother! Also I'm in this acepplla group with my friends and we're doing The Best Day If My Life and it's the first time a friend invented me to do something cool! The other times I got laugh at for making a fool outta myself. But on a brighter note stay awesome guys and I hope you're having an amazing day wherever you are! You better be listening to Kimmi Smiles and Pentatonix they're both amazing artists! My friend taught me into Pentatonix. Anyway I love you all and I dare you to smile! SMILE! You're not smiling! There we go! Does that feel better? Good!


Xx ~ Ali :^)


I just saw Frozen! Wonderful movie! "Let it go! Let it go!" Sorry song is suck in my head for weeks.

Lou White (Snow White spin off Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now