1. Being Enough

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This one is dedicated to TheBibicalSinner. He helped me at a time when I was at my lowest, when I was convinced that the way forward was only downhill. Oli, you know how much you've helped me, you know what you've done for me, you know what you mean to me. Thank you. For helping me face my demons. You know I love you.


Being enough is something that, I think, all of us have struggled with and have been mildly obsessed with as well.
As you may have picked up from above, there have been a few things that I've struggled with and still do, till date. Being enough has definitely been one of them. And I've always been afraid of the fact that I'm not; not smart enough, not pretty enough, just not good enough. It's completely okay, completely human to feel this.

However, it's vital that you remember that you, nobody else, only you have the power to destroy yourself. Just because some boy said that he doesn't love you back, just because he said that you're not his type, just because some random person tried to convince you that you're not enough, does not, in any way, mean that you aren't.

So get up. And show those motherfuckers who's the motherfucking boss.

You know why? Because you're fucking enough.


I hope this was helpful. I hope this was hopeful.

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