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Firstly, to start off, this book is going to absolutely opiniated, biased and all sorts of crazy. If you know me, you know that I love sarcasm and live off of it.

I'm mildly obsessed with making the world okay, making people okay and this is my effort towards achieving that.

Even though I have many academic and career oriented milestones to reach in my life, my ultimate goal in life is to have at least one person come to me and say that, 'Because of you, I'm smiling. Because of you, I'm happy. Because of you, I'm okay.'
Even if only one person comes to me and says all of this, and tells me that I helped them achieve that, I will die a happy, happy woman.

Lastly, this is dedicated to everyone out there struggling with depression, to everyone who's ever thought of giving up, to anyone who's ever made to believe that they're irrelevant ; to all those loners, to every single person crying themselves to sleep, honey, it's time to smile yourself to sleep now. ♥

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