2. Being Beautiful

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Now, I know this is probably THE most talked about shit in recent times, but I still feel the need to address it.

Throughout the course of time, there have been certain parameters set around the concept of beauty, particularly female beauty. It has always been sort of carried forward that a certain figure, that a certain length of hair, that a certain size of the breasts, that a certain curve of the derriere is ideal. That maybe only then, a woman might be termed as beautiful.

Well guess what?


It doesn't fucking matter how tall or short you are, how petite or curvy you are, if you have long, cascading hair of if you decide to go bald, if your bum is bigger than Kim Kardashian's or not, if your breasts are two lemons or two fucking watermelons, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. Yes, you. You, who is reading this and thinking of all the times that you doubted your beauty, of all the times you looked in the mirror and thought of how you would change so many things, of all the times you cried yourself to sleep because somebody said you were not beautiful.

Guess what? You are. You fucking are.

I struggled with coming to terms with and accepting who I am as well; fuck I still do. Even I sometimes look in the mirror and loathe the person who looks back at me. The guy I loved a while back told me that one of the reasons he was reluctant to get into a relationship with me was because he thought that I just was not beautiful enough for him. Now let me tell you, he ain't no George Clooney. But what he said fucked with my mind so much and scarred so deeply, I can still feel the burns.

So don't let anyone tell you that you have to fit into a certain box to be called beautiful. Because you don't. Physical beauty matters to a point, but not beyond that. And if you have a beautiful mind, a beautiful heart, you can never be not beautiful. The real beauty is in your soul, and not your body.

Stay beautiful, lovelies.

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