3. Being (a) Feminist

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Fair warning before you continue: This is my opinion, these are my views and this is my outlook on this topic. In the very second part of this book I had clearly stated that this book is going to be sarcastic, biased and opinionated. So, yes. You are allowed to have your own opinion, but don't piss on mine.

So, let's begin.

I would like to start off by stating the definition of the word "feminism'.


The advocacy of women's rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes.

Equality of the sexes. EQUALITY. EQUALITY. EQUALITY.

I hope everyone in the back heard it as well.

Feminism is about women being at par with men. It's about women having the same rights as men. It's about women having the same pay as men. It's about women having the CHOICE to do what they want, to be as they are, without them being judged.

Feminism has been misconstrued so much, that it has now become synonymous with belittling men so as to empower women. That is not feminism. That will never be feminism. No one can ever progress by propelling themselves forward by stepping on someone else. Feminism is not about trash-talking men, while braiding your underarm hair.

Feminism is knowing that you don't have to dress yourself up for someone else. But it also means knowing that it's okay if you want to. Ultimately, it's your choice.

People misunderstand feminism, and then preach the wrong version, and then we have 'anti-feminists' and people who call these so called feminists 'feminazis'. Feminism is about fighting against the oppression that women have to go through, it's about empowering women so that they are shoulder-to-shoulder with men; but, it also entails that if men have to go through the same thing, they deserve to be treated at par with women as well. And thus we come back to the point of equality. Feminism is for everyone.

And frankly, people who say that the don't support feminism are, pardon my french, idiots. Yes, I said it. IDIOTS. And if you think I've crossed a line with this, trust me, I couldn't give a tiny rat's fucking arse about it. (I say arse because it just makes it sound so much more posh).

You are not fighting against men when you say you support feminism. On the contrary, you are fighting for both, men AND women. And I say it again, feminism is about equality and choice. The reason it is called feminism is only because, (I think), women have had to go through social oppression, inequality for a longer span of time than men. Women have been denied their half for far too long. It's time we got it back.

I read this in an advertisement, and it was on point : We are not the better halves, or the worse. We are the EQUAL halves.

And even after ALL of this, if you still want to say we don't need feminism, I'll leave you with this:

A man in a room full of women is ECSTATIC.

A woman in a room full of men is TERRIFIED.

Mukta out.

Being OkayTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon