Then vs. Now: Coloring

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When I started digital art two years ago, I had no idea what I was doing. Coloring, shading, lineart, proportions, it was all wrong. So I've decided to do a blast from the past and compare my old techniques to my new ones. I hope you enjoy ^-^

So let's start with a basic, uncolored piece.

Simple, right? Now let's see how I would've colored it two years ago

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Simple, right? Now let's see how I would've colored it two years ago.

Simple, right? Now let's see how I would've colored it two years ago

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Now, before you yell at me for making your eyes bleed, let me tell you WHY this is bad.

First of all, the colors are so bright that, again, they probably made your eyes gush blood. You should hardly ever use colors in their purest form. It's really hard to look at.

Second, the shading. Never, ever use the airbrush tool to shade, and NEVER SHADE WITH BLACK. EVER. IT'S SO UGLY AND DIRTY.

And the shine on the hair? Don't just put a solid white line across it. That type of shine belongs on metal, not hair.

Now let's see how I would've colored it today.

The colors are lighter or darker and aren't at full saturation, I'm using colors that aren't black to shade, and the shines aren't too prominent

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The colors are lighter or darker and aren't at full saturation, I'm using colors that aren't black to shade, and the shines aren't too prominent.

Man, I'm very glad that I improved in two years. I got way better.


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