Guardian Backstories

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So I wrote these backstories for the characters
Enjoy I guess


Hamia grew up in Arabia, at a time when it was very wartorn and a horrible place to be. Her father was a nurse, and he's the one who encouraged her to do it. Hamia was a generally caring person with good intentions, so she gave it a shot. After she realized that she couldn't save every patient she took care of, she thought about giving up. But she still tried, and was recognized for her efforts and was selected as Guardian of Childbirth. Since she started, Hamia has gotten more numb to death and sickness.


Jiahao was born in China, but came to America when she was 4 because of a war that took place. She was shunned for many years just because of her race and identity, so her mother divorced her husband and married a richer, confident white man. Her mother told her about everything when she was 16. The war, her real dad, everything. So Jiahao went back to China to fight in the war that was taking place at the time. She was so great in battle that she was made leader, and once she was 22, she applied for being the Guardian of War.


Alsandare came from Poland. He's always had a love for the sea, and has a collection of surfboards. But one day while surfing, he got into a terrible accident that gave him amnesia at the age of 16, making him completely forget his entire life prior to the accident.


Rosa came from the Caltabiano family, who was well known throughout Italy. She lived in a big house with her mother, father, grandmother, and two older brothers. While her house was filled with people, she preferred to stay in the house's library, reading romance novels and daydreaming about the future. After she was selected as the Guardian of Love, she built a big library in Estruna and now runs a children's book club.


Moondancer Flare was abandoned by his parents when he was a baby, and they left him on the side of a mountain, hoping he would die. However, a family found him and took him in, letting him live in their cabin and raising him as their own. He always had nightmares that he felt were so real that he woke up in tears, but one night, he actually realized when he was a dream, and learned to fight nightmares off with magic. When he was 16, he took a dark magic attack to his eye, making it lose its color and vision. He covers it up with bandages, along with all the other scars he's gotten from doing his work.


Aisha is the Guardian of Life. She was the only Guardian not selected, but was given birth to by another Guardian. She learned how to do life magic at a very early age, and specializes in potion brewing. She has a cure for nearly everything, and helps Hamia when she can.


Abb grew up in London with his sister and father. He never met his mother. When his father got sick with a fatal disease, his older sister Harriet urged him to keep hoping. His father unfortunately passed away when he was very young. Once he was 15, he took a job as an executioner and started to become numb to the idea of death. And once he was 17, Harriet caught him kissing another boy and kicked him out. He managed to live on his own for several months before applying for selection.

Anani and Bedisa:

The twins grew up in Denmark with their two parents. When they were 6, their parents went on a trip to Romania, but the train they were on collapsed into a river near the Czech Republic. Anani and Bedisa were transferred to an orphanage, but they ran away from there once they were 16. Anani had to take the father role and work 3 jobs to keep them alive, while Bedisa didn't really understand everything that was going on. Anani found out about selection when they were 20 and applied for both of them.


Daria grew up in a very rich family in France. When her dad passed away, he left her millions of dollars, which she still has to this day. She's very buisness-savy and takes good care of her money, which caught Aurnia's attention.


Eris' family fled from Israel when he was young. In fear of people thinking they were terrorists, they simply told people they were Romanian. Eris' father was a terrible influence on him; cheating on his mother, picking up girls on street corners, gambling.


Komo never knew her parents, but was raised by her grandparents on a farm. They soon saw that she had nature magic pumping through her veins and helped her to embrace her powers.


This boy is a special case. Due to him being dropped on his head as a baby, he now has a stutter. When he was younger, he managed to seduce every girl in his school, and soon his whole hometown without knowing it. He's always gravitated towards "creepy" girls, and hopes that he'll find someone that loves him for who he is.


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